Let the platform do the work



Create a new record of a specified type.

Request Arguments

Name Type Description Required
<record field> <record field type> The name value list of fields to populate. True


    "name":"Example Account",
    "description":"My Example Account",
    "meetings": {
        "add": ["21e3385e-404f-b470-407e-54044e3d8023"],
        "create": [
            "name": "Test Meeting"
It is possible to add record relations to other records and create new related records.
Action Type Description
add List List of related records ID. See RelateRecordApi for details.
create List List of name to value arrays of related records.

Response Arguments

Name Type Description
<record field> <record field type> Returns the fields for the newly created record.


   "name":"Example Account",
   "description":"My Example Account",



Change Log

Version Change
v10 (7.6.0) Added support for link fields.
v10 Added /<module> POST endpoint.