Let the platform do the work

/ForecastWorksheets/:timeperiod_id/:user_id GET

Returns a collection of ForecastWorksheet models


This end point is used to return the Worksheets for a user at a given timeperiod. If no timeperiod is provide it will use the default timeperiod, likewise if no user is provided, it will default to the logged in user.

Also this end points use the visibility requirements set forth by the application, that if the records being requested belong to you, you will get the draft version, If the worksheet is not yours, you will only see the committed version.

Url Parameters:

Param Description Optional
timeperiod_id Show for a specific time period, defaults to the current time period if one is not passed Optional
user_id Show for a specific user, defaults to current user if not defined Optional

Query Parameters:

Param Description Optional
type Which type to return, currently the ones that are supported are, opportunity and product Optional

Possible Errors

Error Description
412 - Invalid Parameter When the passed in timeperiod and/or user can not be found
403 - Not Authorized If you are not a manager, but you are tyring to view another sales rep forecast worksheet, you will receive a 403 Not Authorized Error

Url Example:


Output Example:

{ "next_offset": -1, "records": [ { "id": "ad3908c7-83a3-f360-c223-51117844c208", "name": "Grow-Fast Inc - 1000 units", "date_entered": "2013-02-05T21:22:00+00:00", "date_modified": "2013-02-05T21:22:00+00:00", "modified_user_id": "1", "modified_by_name": "Administrator", "created_by": "1", "created_by_name": "Administrator", "description": "", "img": "", "deleted": "0", "assigned_user_id": "seed_jim_id", "assigned_user_name": "Jim Brennan", "team_name": [ { "id": "East", "name": "East", "name_2": "", "primary": true } ], "parent_id": "50b90565-e748-ed77-d9d7-511178f5acae", "parent_type": "Opportunities", "account_name": "", "account_id": "", "likely_case": "75000", "best_case": "75000", "worst_case": "75000", "base_rate": "1", "currency_id": "-99", "currency_name": "", "currency_symbol": "", "date_closed": "2013-02-10", "date_closed_timestamp": "1360531443", "sales_stage": "Perception Analysis", "probability": "70", "commit_stage": "include", "draft": "1", "my_favorite": false, "_acl": { "fields": {} } }] }