Let the platform do the work

/search GET


List records in a module. Searching, filtering and ordering can be applied to only fetch the records you are interested in. Additionally the set of returned fields can be restricted to speed up processing and reduce download times.

Request Arguments

Name Type Description Required
q String The search text to match records on. This will search through any fields on the module that has unified_search set to true. False
max_num Integer A maximum number of records to return. False
offset Integer The number of records to skip over before records are returned. False
fields String Comma delimited list of fields to return. The field date_modified will always be returned.
Example: name,account_type,description
order_by String How to sort the returned records, in a comma delimited list with the direction appended to the column name after a colon.
Example: name:DESC,account_type:DESC,date_modified:ASC
favorites Boolean Only fetch the current users favorited records. False
my_items Boolean Only fetch items assigned to the current user. False

Response Arguments

Name Type Description
next_offset Integer Displays the next offset for retrieval of additional results. -1 will be returned when there are no more records.
records Array An array of results containing matched records.


         "name":"Avery Software Co",

         "name":"Avery Software Co",


Change Log

Version Change
v10 Added /<module> GET endpoint.