Let the platform do the work

/rssfeed GET


Consumes an RSS feed as a proxy and returns the feed up to a certain number of entries.

Request Arguments

Name Type Description Required
feed_url String A fully qualified URL to an RSS feed. True
limit Integer Maximum number of entries to fetch. If not provided, the API will return up to $sugar_config['rss_feed_max_entries'] or 20 if no config option is set. False


Note: GET endpoint parameters are passed in the form of a query string.

Response Arguments

Name Type Description
title String The title of the RSS Feed. This can be blank.
link String The URL to the source of the RSS Feed. This can be blank.
description String A description of the feed. This can be blank.
publication_date Timestamp A timestamp of when the feed was published.
entries Array An array of entries, each of which will contain the following values:
  • title
  • description
  • link
  • publication_date
  • source
  • author


        "title":"Sample Feed Title",
        "description":"A sample of a feed description",
        "publication_date":"Tue, 10 Aug 2014 13:38:55 -0800",
                "title":"First entry title",
                "description":"A blurb about the first entry. This will be HTML encoded on return.",
                "publication_date":"Tue, 10 Aug 2014 13:38:55 -0800",
                "author":"John Doe"
                "title":"Second entry title",
                "description":"A blurb about the Second entry. This will be HTML encoded on return.",
                "publication_date":"Tue, 10 Aug 2014 13:38:55 -0800",

Change Log

Version Change
v10 Added /<rssfeed> GET endpoint.