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/Reports/:record/records GET


An API to deliver filtered records from a saved report.


This endpoint will return a list of records from a saved report filtered by an expression.

Request Arguments

Name Type Description Required
group_filters String The group filter expression. Filter expressions are explained below. Note that JSON-encoded filters can be specified as query parameters in one of two ways for GET requests:
  1. By specifying individual filter arguments as distinct parameters. Example: group_filters[0][name]=value.
  2. By specifying the whole filter as a single JSON-encoded string. Example: group_filters=[{"name":"value"}].
Example: group_filters[0][industry]=Engineering.
use_saved_filters Boolean Flag to indicate whether or not to apply saved runtime filters if exists. The default value is false. Example: use_saved_filters=true. False
max_num Integer A maximum number of records to return. Default is 20. False
offset Integer The number of records to skip over before records are returned. Default is 0. False

Request Example

GET /rest/v10/Reports/:id/records?group_filters[0][industry]=Engineering&use_saved_filters=true&offset=0&max_num=20

Response Arguments

Name Type Description
records Array An array of results containing matched records.
next_offset Integer Displays the next offset for retrieval of additional results. -1 will be returned when there are no more records.


         "name":"Dale Spivey",
         "_acl": {
            "fields": {
         "name":"Florence Haddock",
         "_acl": {
            "fields": {
   "next_offset": -1