Let the platform do the work

//:record/link/:link_name/:remote_id GET


Retrieves a related record with relationship role information.

Request Arguments

This endpoint does not accept any arguments.

Response Arguments

Name Type Description
<record field> <record field type> Returns the fields for the newly created record.


   "name":"Gus Dales",
   "assigned_user_name":"Sally Bronsen",
   "full_name":"Gus Dales",
   "title":"Director Operations",
   "phone_home":"(661) 120-2292",
   "phone_mobile":"(294) 447-9707",
   "phone_work":"(036) 840-3216",
   "primary_address_street":"48920 San Carlos Ave",
   "lead_source":"Support Portal User Registration",
   "account_name":"Arts & Crafts Inc",
   "opportunity_role":"Technical Advisor",


Change Log

Version Change
v10 Added /<module>/:record/link/:link_name/:remote_id GET endpoint.