Let the platform do the work

//:record/link/history GET


Lists history filtered records.


This endpoint will return a set of history modules (meetings, calls, notes, tasks, emails) records filtered by an expression.

Request Arguments

Name Type Description Required
filter String The filter expression. Filter expressions are explained below. False
max_num Integer A maximum number of records to return. Default is 20. False
offset Integer The number of records to skip over before records are returned. Default is 0. False
order_by String How to sort the returned records, in a comma delimited list with the direction appended to the column name after a colon.
Example: name:DESC,account_type:DESC,date_modified:ASC
deleted Boolean Boolean to show deleted records in the result set. False
module_list String A list of modules from the valid modules [Tasks, Calls, Emails, Notes, Meetings] that need to be included False
alias_fields Array A list of field aliases from the valid modules [Tasks, Calls, Emails, Notes, Meetings] that need to be fetched. These field aliases can also be used in 'order_by'.
Example: { 'record_date': { 'Calls': 'date_start', 'Emails': 'date_sent' } }