Let the platform do the work

/Mail/recipients/find GET


Finds recipients that match the search term.

Request Arguments

Name Type Description Required
q string The search string False
module_list string One of the following strings: users, accounts, contacts, leads, prospects, all Will determine which modules are searched using the given search string. False
order_by string columns to sort by (one or more of $sortableColumns) with direction
Example: name:asc,id:desc (will sort by last_name ASC and then id DESC)
offset int Offset of first record to return False
max_num int Maximum records to return False



Response Arguments

Name Type Description
next_offset int Returns the next offset to be used if paging ahead for more records
records Array Array of records found based on the search string and module_list. Each record contains the ID, module, name, email address and it's ID, opt out flag of the email address, and _acl of the recipient found.


    "next_offset": 3,
    "records": [
            "id": "seed_sarah_id",
            "_module": "Users",
            "name": "Sarah Smith",
            "email": "sarah@example.com",
            "email_address_id": "962cefa8-2f1t-11e6-9bee-80e6577b09a3",
            "opt_out": false
            "_acl": {
                "fields": {
                    "assigned_user_id": {
                    "date_sent": {
            "id": "962cefa8-2f1f-11e6-9ade-80e6500b09a0",
            "_module": "Leads",
            "name": "Antonia Piermarini",
            "email": "support.sales.vegan@example.name",
            "email_address_id": "756yafa8-2f1t-11e6-9bee-80e6577b09a3",
            "opt_out": true
            "_acl": {
                "fields": {
                    "assigned_user_id": {
                    "date_sent": {
            "id": "962850e2-2f1f-11e6-804e-80e6500b09a0",
            "_module": "Leads",
            "name": "Santa Leffingwell",
            "email": "vegan.vegan@example.info",
            "email_address_id": "211uhhg4-2f1t-11e6-9bee-80e6577b09a3",
            "opt_out": false
            "_acl": {
                "fields": {
                    "assigned_user_id": {
                    "date_sent": {

Change Log

Version Change
v10 Added /Mail/recipients/find GET endpoint.