Let the platform do the work

How to update sales-i on your mobile device


This guide will show you how to update to the latest sales-i app on your mobile device.


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Step 1: Select App Store

Tap the App Store app on your Apple device.

how to update sales-i iphone 1-01


Step 2: Type sales-i and tap UPDATE

Type sales-i in to the search bar, and once the app appears, tap the UPDATE button.

You may need to enter your password credentials to confirm installation.

How to update sales-i Apple-01


Step 3: Sign In

Once the app has downloaded, open it and enter your username and password, then click the Sign In button.

Please Note: For quick login, allow the app to Remember Username and Password.

Depending on your phone model, you can also use your phone’s enhanced security for simple login via Finger Print ID or Face ID.

Congratulations! You are now logged in and ready to use your newly updated sales-i app on the road.

how to download sales-i iphone 3-01-1



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Step 1: Select the Play Store App

Tap the Play Store app on your mobile device.

how to upload sales-i Android-01-1


Step 2: Search and update

Type sales-i in to the search bar.

Once the app appears, tap the three dots icon on the right hand side and then tap UPDATE.

how to update sales-i Android 2-01-01-01-1


Step 3: Sign In

Once the app has downloaded, open it and enter your username and password, then click the Sign In button.

Please Note: For quick login, allow the app to Remember Username and Password.

Depending on your phone model, you can also use your phone’s enhanced security for simple login via Finger Print ID or Facial Recognition.

Congratulations! You are now logged in and ready to use your newly updated sales-i app on the road.

how to update sales-i Android 3-01-01-1