How to sync your MyCalls calendar with Outlook (PC only)
This guide will show you how to sync your Outlook calendar* with your MyCalls calendar. *This guide only works on PC versions of Outlook 2010 and beyond.
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Step 1: Go to MyCalls
From the black navigation bar at the top of the screen, click MyCalls.
Step 2: Subscribe
Click Subscribe.
Step 3: Get Link
A window will pop up on your screen.
Copy the link text
Step 4: Add Calendar
Now, go into Outlook and right click on My calendars.
Select Add calendar and then From Internet.
Step 5: Paste the link
Paste the link you just copied into the bar that appears and click OK.
Step 6: Upload Link
Enter your sales-i User name and password into the new box that appears and click OK.
Step 7: Give Permission to Sync
Once entered, an Outlook subscription window will open. Select Yes and you will now be able to sync calls through MyCalls. Please note: It may take a few minutes for your calls to sync across and display.
You may wish to right click on your new calendar and Rename Calendar into something useful, e.g. ‘sales-i MyCalls’.