Sugar Connect Archived Release Notes
This document describes the feature enhancements and fixed issues for Sugar Connect from past releases. Case portal users can use the links in the Fixed Issues sections below for more details on fixed issues. Please refer to the Sugar Connect Release Notes page for the latest release.
2024 Release Notes
The following release notes contain details of feature enhancements and fixed issues in the 2024 releases of Sugar Connect.
Sugar Connect 50.0 (December 16, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Set Event Type: When creating an event in Office 365 and Google Workspace, you can now choose whether the event syncs to Sugar as a meeting, call, or task.
- Archive with Options during contact or lead creation: You can now use the Archive with Options feature for an email in both Office 365 and Google Workspace where no related entries are found in Sugar, prompting you to create a contact or lead.
- Exclude Existing Events: You can now choose to exclude meetings from the sync that were created prior to enabling calendar synchronization.
- Integrations: There is now a centralized place in your Sugar Connect Portal to track your integrations to ensure all credentials are up to date and Sugar Connect features are working as expected.
Fixed Issues
- 95461: Some clients are unable to forward and archive an email that was previously archived.
- 94849: Email archive status alerts block parts of the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 94188: Sugar Connect calendar sync occasionally removes events greater than 365 days into the future from the Sugar calendar.
Sugar Connect 49.1 (November 18, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 96055: Some users are unable to access the Sugar Connect sidebar for Google Workspace.
Sugar Connect 49.0 (November 4, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Sync recurring meetings: Sugar Connect can now sync recurring meetings Sugar versions 14.2 and higher, eliminating the need to manually create them in both calendars.
- Manual sync of calendar events: You can now select which calendar events will sync between your Sugar and external calendars.
- Honor system setting for appearance: The theme (light or dark) can now respect whatever rule your computer or device has set up in both Office 365 and Google Workspace.
Fixed Issues
- 95881: Synced meetings from Sugar contain a broken link and are missing the invitation body.
- 95433: Auto-link fails to match mixed-case email addresses (e.g., "" and "").
- 95409: Manually syncing contacts can occasionally fail to create a new contact in the external calendar.
- 95399: Required dropdown fields are unavailable in some role based views.
- 95071: All day meetings in the external calendar are synced with incorrect start/end times in Sugar.
- 94925: Unable to archive emails when the Teams field in the Emails module is set to read only.
Sugar Connect 48.2 (September 27, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 48.1 (September 19, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 48.0 (September 16, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Meeting Scheduler Templates: Sugar Connect's meeting scheduler landing pages can now be customized with logos, fonts, colors, etc. to better support your brand.
Fixed Issues
- 95517: The Guests field search may display "No matching entries were found" while still searching.
Sugar Connect 47.1 (August 8, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 47.0 (August 5, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Microsoft Teams integration: The Sugar Connect Meeting Scheduler can now automatically generate MS Teams meeting links for Office 365 users that are unique to each scheduled event.
Fixed Issues
- 95237: The Status field on a meeting record is not set as "Scheduled" by default in the Sugar Connect sidebar, causing meetings not to sync to the external calendar.
- 94982: The Contacts subpanel is not displaying correctly for some Sugar Connect users.
- 94963: Some Sugar Connect users are unable to create Meeting Scheduler landing pages.
Sugar Connect 46.1 (July 5, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 46.0 (June 24, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Add tags to archived emails: You can now add tags to emails when using the Archive with Options feature in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
Fixed Issues
- 94962: The close button in the Sugar Connect sidebar when displayed in the calendar event view is misleading as to the purpose and function in different scenarios.
- 94308: Fields set as required that are not supported by Sugar Connect are preventing record creation.
Sugar Connect 45.3 (June 7, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 45.2 (June 7, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 45.1 (May 14, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 45.0 (May 13, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Share Meeting Scheduler landing pages with clients: You can now customize landing pages for the Sugar Connect Meeting Scheduler where several event types can be available to select from for anyone with whom you share the landing page.
- Modernized Meeting Scheduler user interface: The Sugar Connect Meeting Scheduler user interface has been upgraded to a modern and intuitive design, making it even easier to schedule meetings.
- Set the Related to field in a meeting from the Google Workspace calendar: When creating a calendar event in Google, you can now relate the meeting to another record (e.g., opportunity) and update additional Sugar meeting fields (e.g., Internal Notes).
Fixed Issues
- 94681: Quick Archive in Outlook may not always work as expected.
- 94528: Office 365 Calendar Sync users may experience a delay in the completion of a sync session.
- 94475: Sugar instances with a large amount of data may experience delayed loading time of record view in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 94276: Sugar Connect may allow creation of a tenant using a free email account.
Sugar Connect 44.1 (April 9, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 44.0 (April 8, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Set the Related to field in a meeting from the Office 365 calendar: When creating a calendar event in Office 365, you can now relate the meeting to another record (e.g., opportunity) and update additional Sugar meeting fields (e.g., Internal Notes).
- Duplicate contact check: When Contact Sync is enabled and a contact or lead is created and/or assigned to you in Sugar, Sugar Connect now checks your external address book to determine if a contact with a matching first name, last name, or email address already exists before creating a new one.
- Guests field on calls and meetings: The Calls and Meetings record view in the Sugar Connect sidebar now includes the Guests field.
Fixed Issues
- 93343: The Save and Archive button in the Sugar Connect sidebar record view is not archiving the email to the newly created record.
Sugar Connect 43.1 (March 11, 2024)
Fixed Issues
- 94230: Email signatures are removed when composing a new email in Google Workspace.
Sugar Connect 43.0 (February 26, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Modernized navigation bar: The Sugar Connect portal navigation bar is now compact and modernized to enhance focus, reduce visual noise, and lighten your mental load. It can be expanded to see more details when needed.
- Access scheduler in sidebar: You can now easily access links to your Sugar Connect Meeting Scheduler events in the sidebar for both Google Workspace and Office 365.
- Archived email notifications list: Messages that display the status of your archived emails are now shown in a dedicated list in the sidebar for both Google Workspace and Office 365.
Fixed Issues
- 93493: Fields are not populated as expected when creating a lead from the subpanel on a contact record.
- 92478: The relationship field is not populated when creating a record from a subpanel in a one-to-many relationship.
Sugar Connect 42.2 (January 30, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 93815: Sugar Connect is not displaying related records during email archiving.
- 93783: The Sugar Connect sidebar is failing to load in some instances.
Sugar Connect 42.1 (January 19, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 42.0 (January 16, 2024)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Salutation and name fields respect user settings: The salutation and name fields in the Sugar Connect sidebar now reflect the user's profile setting in the Name Display Format field.
- Only relevant field updates trigger calendar sync: Calendar sync for an existing event will only occur when updating the call or meeting fields in Sugar that sync to the external calendar event.
Fixed Issues
- 93272: Opening an email in Google Workspace and clicking the lowest portion of the three-dots menu button (i.e., More) causes the menu to open and immediately close.
- 93033: Email templates that are used to compose an email with Sugar Connect do not retrieve variables from related modules.
- 92951: The Email Tracking Dashboard shrinks the left side when a long URL is tracked, making it difficult to see the content on the left side of the dashboard.
Sugar Connect 41.2 (January 3, 2024)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Past Release Notes
Click the links below to view details of features, enhancements, and fixed issues from past release notes.
Sugar Connect 2023 Release Notes
Sugar Connect 41.1 (December 20, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 41.0 (December 4, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Dropdown-Field-Based Record View Layouts: Sugar Connect administrators can now define edit view layouts that change in real time based on the value selected from a given dropdown field on the record.
Fixed Issues
- 93030: Calendar sync is not working as expected after initial setup.
Sugar Connect 40.2 (November 22, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 40.1 (October 31, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 40.0 (October 16, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Auto-archive inbound messages: Inbound messages can now be auto-archived to Sugar in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
- Auto-archive messages tenant setting: Administrators can now establish the default auto-archive behavior for inbound and outbound messages for their users in the Sugar Connect Portal.
Sugar Connect 39.0 (September 11, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Additional Languages Supported: Sugar Connect now supports a number of additional languages in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
Fixed Issues
- 92800: Dependent dropdown fields may display blank values.
- 92406: Some Sugar Logic functions are not respected in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
Sugar Connect 38.3 (August 7, 2023)
Fixed Issues
- 92612: Email archiving, calendar sync, and contact sync are not working for some Sugar Connect users.
Sugar Connect 38.2 (July 26, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 38.1 (July 25, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 38.0 (July 24, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Event type and status sync setting: Admins can now set the default behavior for which event types and statuses sync from Sugar to the external calendar.
- Calendar sync setting: Admins can now set the default behavior for which calendar (e.g. Primary) is used when syncing events between Sugar and the email client.
- Use Hint data on create: Users with access to Sugar Hint can now populate Hint data when creating a lead or contact record in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
Fixed Issues
- 92190: Sugar Connect meeting scheduler does not include the phone number in the email notification.
Sugar Connect 37.1 (June 19, 2023)
Fixed Issues
- 92467: Sugar Connect calendar sync may cause guests to be removed from calls in Sugar.
Sugar Connect 37.0 (June 12, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Timeline view improvements: The Sugar Connect sidebar will now keep your Timeline view open when viewing records in both Google Workspace and Office 365 until you manually switch back to viewing subpanels.
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 36.2 (May 8, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 36.1 (May 1, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 36.0 (May 1, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Shared mailbox support: Office 365 users who are also members of a shared mailbox can now use Sugar Connect within the shared mailbox. Please note, you may be prompted to grant Sugar Connect permission to access the information in the shared mailbox.
- Subscription details: Sugar Connect administrators can now view the number of licenses currently in use.
- Swap first and last name: When adding or editing a contact or lead in the Sugar Connect sidebar, you can now swap the data in the First Name and Last Name fields in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
- Timeline view filter: You can now filter the Timeline view by record type in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
- List view improvements: List views in the Sugar Connect sidebar now feature enhanced scrolling and badges displayed where applicable (e.g., "Escalated" on accounts).
- Email archive improvements: Sugar Connect users can expect to see archived emails appear in Sugar more quickly.
Fixed Issues
- 87412: Sugar Connect scheduler confirmation email does not display the name of the person who scheduled the meeting or the correct timezone.
- 91625: Users with Sugar instances configured to use stand-alone opportunities are unable to modify the Sales Stage field in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 92088: Emails are not returned to the Inbox in Google Workspace after the "Copied to CRM" label is applied following a successful archive to Sugar.
Sugar Connect 35.1 (March 27, 2023)
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 35.0 (March 20, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Add meeting participants to the scheduler: You can now add other Sugar Connect users to your scheduler events in the Sugar Connect portal.
- Timeline in record view: You can now view a history of your Sugar records in the Sugar Connect sidebar with Timeline view in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
Fixed Issues
- 89591: Conditionally required fields are always required even when their condition is not met.
- 90453: The CRM Data Source in the Sugar Connect portal may need to be revalidated after running a Quick Repair and Rebuild in Sugar.
- 90839: Lead conversion does not populate custom fields in other modules.
- 91324: Sugar Connect pauses calendar synchronization when an HTTP 504 error is received from Outlook Exchange servers.
- 91436: Sugar Connect administrators can no longer manage the synchronization profiles of other Connect users.
- 91473: Adding a Sugar user as a guest on a meeting causes a duplicate meeting to be created when the user updates their invitation status.
- 91701: Hiding a subpanel via Sugar Connect Portal > Customization does not always take effect in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
Sugar Connect 34.1 (February 8, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 91348: Outlook users are experiencing intermittent email archive failures.
Sugar Connect 34.0 (February 6, 2023)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version in Google Workspace and in Office 365.
Feature Enhancements
- Simplified login to Sugar Connect: Logging into the Sugar Connect sidebar is now faster and easier than ever before.
- Meeting responses sync to Sugar: Guests' acceptance statuses for meetings will now sync from your external calendar to Sugar and display in the Guests panel.
- Sync guests from Sugar to your calendar: You can now choose to sync the guests from an event in Sugar to your external calendar.
- Canceled events sync to Sugar: When an event is canceled in your external calendar, you can now choose to update the corresponding Sugar event with a status of "Canceled".
- Exclude emails from auto-archiving: Sugar Connect administrators can now create an exclude email list to prevent certain emails from auto-archiving to Sugar.
- Create a record and archive an email simultaneously: You can now archive an email while creating a new record (e.g., opportunity) in the Sugar Connect sidebar for both Google Workspace and Office 365.
Fixed Issues
- 91263: Tracked emails are disappearing from the Sugar Connect portal for Outlook users.
- 91009: Copy to CRM emails are intermittently being returned to the inbox or failing to archive to Sugar.
- 90477: Notification alerting Outlook users that "This email will no longer be tracked. Dismiss" appears when selecting "Track Email".
- 89906: Required fields are difficult to identify when creating records in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
Sugar Connect 2022 Release Notes
Sugar Connect 33.1 (December 22, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 33.0 (December 19, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 90954: Tracked emails are sometimes removed from the Tracked Emails section in the Sugar Connect portal.
- 90908: Auto-Archiving of Outgoing Emails setting is sometimes enabled when it should not be.
- 90896: License limit email notification is sent when the available number of licenses is met, not exceeded.
Sugar Connect 32.0 (November 21, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Duplicate check on archived emails: When archiving an email, you will receive an alert in the Sugar Connect sidebar if the email has already been archived to Sugar.
Fixed Issues
- 90732: Error processing occurring during email sync.
- 90476: Message reading "Cannot read internetMessageid of the composed email" is preventing some Outlook users from archiving emails.
- 90334: Sugar Connect removes accented characters in meeting description fields when synced to the external calendar.
Sugar Connect 31.3 (October 19, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
- 90197: Some custom fields may result in a failure to load the Sugar Connect sidebar.
Sugar Connect 31.2 (October 13, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
- 90633: The Sugar Connect button to archive an email is missing from the email header in the newest version of Chrome.
Sugar Connect 31.1 (October 4, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 31.0 (October 3, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Non-organized events sync to calendar: Calendar events organized by someone else, where you have accepted the meeting invite, can sync to your Sugar calendar.
Fixed Issues
- 90191: Contact fields are not populated from lead data during conversion.
- 89895: Address Country fields display values differently than other dropdown fields.
- 86395: Note records from embedded images are not related to the email record archived using the"Copy to CRM" Smart Folder.
Sugar Connect 30.3 (August 30, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
- 90306: Contacts stop syncing after seven days for Gmail users that use two-way contact sync.
Sugar Connect 30.2 (August 29, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 30.1 (August 23, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 30.0 (August 22, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Meeting attendees sync to Outlook: When you create a meeting in Sugar, the meeting attendees will now sync to your Outlook calendar event.
- Bidirectional contact sync: Contacts can now sync bidirectionally between Sugar and Office 365/Google Workspace.
Fixed Issues
- 89364: In some instances, the Email Tracking Dashboard in the Sugar Connect Portal may not display charts or relevant data even when there are recently tracked emails.
Sugar Connect 29.1 (August 2, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Feature Enhancements
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 29.0 (July 11, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Meeting location field for event scheduler: When configuring an event in the Sugar Connect Portal > Scheduler, you can now set a physical or virtual meeting location to be used for every meeting that is scheduled via the configured event link.
Fixed Issues
- 89900: For large data sets, Sugar Connect with Microsoft gives a JSON decode error when you attempt to archive an email.
- 89575: Some custom modules do not display in the modules list in Sugar Connect Portal > Admin Center > Customization.
- 89380: When you are not logged into the Sugar Connect sidebar and you select Quick Archive to Sugar, your email is not archived and you are not alerted.
- 89379: When you select Quick Archive to Sugar for an email, save the email as a draft, and then delete the draft, the queued email is still present in the Scheduled Emails menu.
- 89223: When using Archive with Options, the Search bar in the "This email is related to" window only shows the first 20 characters.
- 89110: Some email template variables do not populate correctly.
Sugar Connect 28.0 (June 6, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Improved error messaging when email archiving fails: When an email fails to archive, a red banner now appears at the top of the Sugar Connect sidebar and the email appears in the Scheduled Emails > Scheduled for Archiving section of the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- Sync "Related to" field for meetings: You can now automatically populate the "Related to" field on a Sugar record with the account associated with the contacts attending a meeting.
- Set "Related to" field when using Archive With Options: You can now set the "Related to" field for a Sugar record when using Archive With Options in Gmail and Outlook.
- Use Sugar Hint in Sugar Connect sidebar: Users with access to Sugar Hint can now use Hint in the Sugar Connect sidebar for Gmail and Outlook.
Fixed Issues
- 89419: When editing an email record in the Sugar Connect sidebar, the To, From, CC, and BCC fields do not display correctly.
- 89222: Searching for related records when the filter is set to return results from all modules sometimes fails to return results from all modules.
- 88976: Having a large number of Sugar users causes delays when Sugar Connect admins are linking users via the Add User Link button in the CRM Data Source section of the Sugar Connect Portal.
Sugar Connect 27.3 (May 11, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 27.2 (May 9, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 27.1 (April 20, 2022)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 27.0 (April 18, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Sync private events setting: Admins can now set the default behavior for syncing private events in the Sugar Connect Portal.
- Include link to Sugar record in event invite setting: When a meeting, call, or task is synced from Sugar to an external calendar, admins can now set whether to include a link to the related Sugar record in the invite in the Sugar Connect Portal.
- Hide modules and subpanels in sidebar: Admins can now choose which modules and subpanels appear in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- Join tenant during log in from sidebar with auto-add users feature enabled: When an admin has enabled "Auto-add new users from your domain to Sugar Connect" in the Sugar Connect Portal, users can now join the tenant by logging in via the Sugar Connect sidebar in addition to the Sugar Connect Portal.
- Composing from Emails subpanel relates email to the record: Clicking the Create button in an Emails subpanel now relates the email to the Sugar record (e.g., opportunity).
Fixed Issues
- 89007: When sending an email with an attachment and choosing "Archive with Options", the attachment may not be archived to Sugar.
- 88913: When scheduling an email to be sent, the email does not show up in the Scheduled Emails menu even though it is scheduled and will be sent at the appropriate time.
- 88267: Link to Sugar record is visible to guests that use Google calendar.
- 87753: When calendar sync is stalled, messaging is not informative.
Sugar Connect 26.0 (March 14, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Limit Number of Days includes only available days: When configuring an event type in Scheduler, the Limit Number of Days field now only accounts for days with availability, rather than unavailable and available days.
- Update calendar sync without resetting: You can now pause and update your sync settings without resetting and deleting your sync profile.
Fixed Issues
- 88878: Emails that Google has marked as spam cause the Sugar Connect sidebar to freeze.
- 88876: Some emails fail to archive properly and display an error message in the sidebar.
- 87964: Some emails fail to archive attachments to Sugar.
Sugar Connect 25.3 (February 23, 2022)
Fixed Issues
- 88953: Some users' emails are not archived when using Send Later.
Sugar Connect 25.2 (February 14, 2022)
Fixed Issues
- 88932: Users who do not have Mass Update access to the Emails module in Sugar are unable to archive emails via Sugar Connect.
- 88931: Some Sugar Connect admins are receiving emails and prompts to verify their Sugar instance, and all Sugar Connect users in the tenant are prevented from logging in to the Sugar Connect sidebar.
Sugar Connect 25.1 (February 1, 2022)
Fixed Issues
- 88909: Emails with an additional email address in BCC are not able to be archived.
- 88907: When archiving sent emails in both Outlook and Gmail the same email can be archived more than once.
Sugar Connect 25.0 (January 31, 2022)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Copy event type: You can now copy an existing scheduler event type in the Sugar Connect Portal.
- Weekly availability: You can now set your weekly days and times during which you are available for the meeting scheduler in the Sugar Connect Portal.
- Records created by user: Records created by the user (e.g., calendar events, archived emails, etc) in Sugar Connect will now reflect that accurately in Sugar, rather than being shown as created by the admin user.
- Unsaved Changes alert: When editing a record in the Sugar Connect sidebar, an alert will appear if you attempt to navigate away before saving your changes.
- Related Entries button: In Google Workspace, the Sugar Connect sidebar now has a Related Entries Button.
- "Auto-Archiving of Outgoing Emails" user setting: In the Sugar Connect sidebar in Office 365, you can choose to disable or enable the automatic archiving of outgoing emails.
- Shared mailbox support: Office 365 users who are also members of a shared mailbox can now use Sugar Connect on emails sent to the shared mailbox email alias.
Fixed Issues
- 88846: In Outlook, an email created from an Emails subpanel in the Sugar Connect sidebar is not archived to the related record.
- 88519: Metadata download time is longer than expected.
- 88479: A "Loading" message perpetuates in the Sugar Connect sidebar during lead conversion when required fields are not set before saving.
- 88423: Account record view is not displayed in Sugar Connect sidebar as expected.
- 88384: The value is removed from decimal fields with a comma set as the decimal symbol.
- 88360: In Outlook, a Sugar Connect user viewing their own tracked and sent email causes tracking data to count this as an open event.
- 88352: Custom decimal fields do not appear in the Sugar Connect sidebar when viewing a record.
- 88306: In Outlook, when composing an email to an address matching an existing Sugar record and using the Insert Template feature, the Related To field is empty.
- 87505: Sugar Connect Scheduler links being tracked in an email do not work.
Sugar Connect 2021 Release Notes
Sugar Connect 24.0 (December 11, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Enhanced Contact Sync: The Sugar Connect Contact Sync has been enhanced in order to prevent duplicate contact creation in the external calendar.
- Limit Days in Scheduler: You can now specify the number of days into the future that a meeting can be scheduled.
- SugarPredict in Connect: If your organization is using SugarPredict for Sugar Sell, you may see color-coded prediction values in your lead or opportunity records in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
Fixed Issues
- 88609: Users are unable to authenticate using email aliases in Active Directory.
- 88604: Quick Archive is archiving emails to the opportunity records related to the contact.
- 87558: Emails saved as a .eml file and attached to an email will not archive to Sugar.
- 87531: In some instances, meeting guests are not syncing from Google Workspace to Sugar.
- 86848: Emails in Google Workspace where all labels have been removed will not archive to Sugar.
- 86659: In Google Workspace, the cursor repositions and potentially deletes text when replying to an email and email tracking is enabled.
Sugar Connect 23.0 (October 30, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Create record and archive email simultaneously: When viewing an email from an address that does not match a Sugar lead or contact, you can now create a record and archive the email in one step.
- Sidebar record view enhancements:
- Checkbox fields are now consolidated into one line.
- Extra space between fields has been reduced.
- When creating or editing a record, you can now save or cancel from the top of the record view.
- Quick archive to default team: Emails will now archive to the user's default team when using Quick Archive.
Sugar Connect 22.2 (October 26, 2021)
The version of the Sugar Connect sidebar you will see is
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 22.1 (October 1, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 88129: When two-way calendar sync is enabled, some meeting guests may receive duplicate meeting invitations each time the sync runs.
Sugar Connect 22.0 (September 18, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- One-way calendar sync: You now have the option to sync your calendar events in one direction, from your external calendar to your Sugar calendar.
- Admin option to set sync method: Sugar Connect administrators can now set the calendar sync method for their tenant.
- Call and task status options added to calendar sync: In addition to meetings, you can now select which calls and tasks should sync to your calendar based on their statuses.
Fixed Issues
- 86875: In the Sugar Connect Sidebar, the Plus button in the Documents module may result in an error message.
- 86853: The option to create a lead or contact record in the sidebar is unavailable when the Leads and Contacts modules are removed from Sugar's navigation bar.
Sugar Connect 21.2 (August 27, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 87833: The calendar sync pause button is disabled and users are unable to reset their sync.
Sugar Connect 21.1 (August 11, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version and addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 21.0 (August 7, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Use primary or Sugar calendar for Meeting Scheduler: You now have the option for meetings created via the Meeting Scheduler to appear in your primary or Sugar calendar.
Fixed Issues
- 87504: Clicking the Plus button in the Emails subpanel does not open a compose email screen.
- 86815: When Email Tracking is disabled, previously tracked emails continue to notify users of updates to the tracking statistics.
- 86803: When the "Use Primary Calendar" option is disabled in your Calendar sync setup, meetings scheduled using the Sugar Connect Meeting Scheduler are being created in the primary calendar instead of the Sugar calendar.
- 86777: Some fields shown in the Sugar Connect portal customization page are not available in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 86516: When attempting to link Sugar Connect and SugarCRM users via the Sugar Connect portal, the Refresh button does not update the list of users.
Sugar Connect 20.1 (July 24, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version and addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 20.0 (July 10, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 87333: Persistent "Loading" screen is displayed for some Office 365 users running macOS.
- 87158: Deprecated endpoint messages are appearing in Sugar log.
- 87081: Decimal fields are not displayed in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 86961: In the Sugar Connect Insert Template screen, the Create Template and Edit Template buttons launch the Email Templates module in BWC, causing any attachments you may add to a template to not appear in Sidecar if your instance is on Sugar 11.0.x or greater.
- 86559: Making changes to user roles in Sugar will not be applied to Sugar Connect until the sidebar is reloaded.
Sugar Connect 19.2 (June 23, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 19.1 (June 21, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 87385: In Google Workspace, enabling the reading pane with a split inox view causes multiple issues with Sugar Connect including displaying the email addresses contained in the To and Cc fields.
Sugar Connect 19.0 (June 5, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Email tracking settings: Sugar Connect administrators can now set the default email tracking settings for users in their tenant.
- Google Groups support: Google Workspace users who are also members of a Google Group can now use Sugar Connect on emails sent to the Google Group email alias.
Fixed Issues
- 87322: When viewing a contact in the Sugar Connect sidebar from an email with multiple recipients when the contact is not the first one in the list, selecting "Refresh" from the Record View Actions menu loads the first recipient's contact information instead of the previously selected one.
- 87300: When a non-English language is selected in Sugar, users are unable to add a revenue line item from the subpanel within an opportunity record view in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 87099: The Search and Select dropdown can persist on the screen after selecting a record and scrolling up or down in the Sugar Connect sidebar Record view.
- 87094: Multiselect fields in the Sugar Connect sidebar automatically select values based on what the user is typing, rather than displaying them for the user to select.
- 87027: When creating a record in the Sugar Connect sidebar, the Team field is set to "Global" regardless of the user's default team in Sugar.
- 86874: Links within tracked emails are invalid when the email is forwarded and tracked for a second time.
Sugar Connect 18.1 (May 12, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 18.0 (May 9, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Sugar setting validation: When a user logs into the Sugar Connect sidebar, they will be notified if their Sugar instance has the "Validate user IP address" setting enabled, which should be disabled for Sugar Connect to work as expected.
Fixed Issues
- 86970: Purchase order emails are not being archived to Sugar.
- 86847: When creating a new contact record in the Sugar Connect sidebar, the Account field may be automatically populated with the incorrect account.
- 86694: When using Quick Archive, the email will automatically archive to case records where the email address matches a related contact.
Sugar Connect 17.2 (April 13, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 86971: When hovering over an email address in an opened email in Google Workspace, the Sugar Connect sidebar is not updating the view to show a related record or the option to create one.
Sugar Connect 17.1 (April 12, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
- 86962: Case sensitivity is affecting if an email address is found to be related to an existing contact or lead record.
Sugar Connect 17.0 (April 11, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Ability to disable notifications: WIth the release of Sugar 11.0 (Q2 2021), you can now disable Sugar record-assignment notifications initiated by Sugar Connect.
- Email template tracking statistics: You can now view the tracking statistics for your email templates in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
- Organize email templates with tags: Your email templates in both Google Workspace and Office 365 will be organized by the tags, now available in Sugar 11.0, applied to your email template records.
- Phone number included in Scheduler: When using the Meeting Scheduler, your contact can now enter their phone number.
Fixed Issues
- 86799: When composing an email in Office 365, the Sugar Connect sidebar is not detecting existing contact records.
- 86784: When no default value is defined, integer fields are being populated with a "0" value while editing a record in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 86769: Sugar Connect loading times and general performance are slower than expected.
- 86760: An email may be archived to an incorrect account record.
- 86759: Console errors are appearing when not necessary.
- 86748: The ability to pause the calendar sync within the Sugar Connect portal is not working as expected for some users.
- 86664: Street address fields are not shown as a Textarea data type field in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 86652: Auto-archive using a filter and the "Copy to CRM" label may not archive emails as expected.
Sugar Connect 16.1 (March 16, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
Sugar Connect 16.0 (March 15, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Additional sync option for private calendar events: In Google Workspace, you can now enable or disable the option to "Sync private events" from your Google calendar to Sugar.
Fixed Issues
- 86712: A message incorrectly appears that notifies the user that their SugarCRM admin credentials should be updated in the Sugar Connect portal.
- 86678: A Sugar Connect user cannot be deleted from the Sugar Connect portal.
- 86577: Users can experience long loading times in Sugar Connect when loading the sidebar in Outlook.
- 86543: A user with role restrictions for a module is unable to load a related record in the Sugar Connect sidebar if the restricted module exists as a subpanel.
- 83780: Users in dropdown list role-based views are able to view restricted values.
- 83731: The checkbox intended to mark tasks as complete does not properly function from the task Record View.
Sugar Connect 15.0 (February 14, 2021)
This release updates the Sugar Connect sidebar to version
Feature Enhancements
- Ability to save and create new: With the "Save and Create New" option in Google Workspace and Office 365, you can now create multiple new records in a row without navigating back to the module list view.
- Auto-archive for specific contacts: In Google Workspace, you can now auto-archive emails sent to specific contacts.
- Supported Region Expansion: Sugar Connect is now available to customers hosted in Europe.
Fixed Issues
- 86412: "Save with Options" is not working as expected when the body of the email contains a Google Drive link.
- 86409: Emails sent from particular email addresses are not archiving with attachments.
- 86349: Email templates containing campaign variables generate invalid hyperlinks.
- 86217: In Outlook, using the "Archive with Options" or "Quick Archive to Sugar" features should add the "Sugar Connect/Copied to CRM" category regardless of if they were selected before or after the email was sent.
- 86194: When using "Save with Options", cases are not listed in order of the date modified.
- 85571: In Gmail, clicking the Plus button in the Emails subpanel does not add an email to the record.
- 84806: It is possible for tenants to exist without an administrative user, causing issues.
February 5, 2021
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
January 31, 2021
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
January 24, 2021
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
January 17, 2021
Feature Enhancements
- Ability to configure sidebar record views: Sugar Connect Portal admin users can now configure the fields they would like displayed in the Sugar Connect sidebar for each available module.
- Additional sync options for meeting statuses: You can now choose which Sugar meetings will sync based on their status.
- Additional sync option for private calendar events: In Office 365, you can now enable or disable the option to "Sync private events" from your Outlook calendar to Sugar.
- Expired Credentials Notification: When their Sugar credentials have expired or changed, an email notification will now be sent to the Sugar admin user associated with the Sugar Connect portal.
Fixed Issues
- 86289: In the Sugar Connect Portal, clicking "Manage Sync" is causing errors.
- 86229: In Office 365, the "Copy to CRM" folder is not archiving emails in some instances.
- 85732: In Google Workspace, an error is received using the "Save Email with Options" if a user is not signed into the sidebar.
- 84885: The Emails chart in the Sugar Connect Portal, used for displaying tracked email statistics, does not reflect the reporting period date range along the chart's x-axis.
Sugar Connect 2020 Release Notes
December 21, 2020
Fixed Issues
This release of Sugar Connect addresses minor product and performance issues.
December 14, 2020
Feature Enhancements
- Ability to re-archive emails: In Google Workspace, you can now re-archive an email and its attachments to Sugar.
- Add category and subcategory to archived attachments: In Google Workspace, you can now select a category and subcategory, both populated with options from your Sugar instance, when archiving an attachment as a document.
- Embedded images included with attachments: Images embedded in emails will now appear in the list of attachments available to archive in both Google Workspace and Office 365.
- "Automatically Sync Outgoing Emails" option disabled by default: In the Sugar Connect sidebar in Google Workspace, the option to automatically archive outgoing emails has been updated as is now disabled by default.
- "Save Attachments by Default" option disabled by default: In the Sugar Connect sidebar in both Google Workspace and Office 365, the option to enable saving email attachments by default has been updated as is now disabled by default.
Fixed Issues
- 86101: In Google Workspace, some emails are not saving to Sugar via the "Copy to CRM" mailbox label.
- 86070: Some users are unable to archive emails via the "Save with Options" feature.
- 86020: When using "Save with Options" and assigning to a Sugar user, inactive users are shown in the Assigned To field.
- 85862: The order of the values in a dropdown or multiselect field in Sugar Connect is not consistent with the corresponding field in Sugar.
- 85614: In Google Workspace, clicking the contents of a URL field in the Sugar Connect sidebar does not open the link in a browser tab as expected.
- 85274: The Account variables in SugarCRM email templates are not populating when inserting a template from the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 85206: The attachment from a SugarCRM email template will not be included when selected via Sugar Connect in Google Workspace or Outlook for Mac and in Outlook for the web, image files will not be included.
- 84787: Tracked email statistics and archived emails are getting saved prior to sending the email.
November 23, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 85948: In Office 365, composing a message and using the "Save with Options" feature prior to sending the email may result in an error indicating the email could not be queued for saving.
- 85947: An error occurs when attempting to open a synced Sugar Connect contact in the sidebar that is not assigned to you in Sugar.
- 85946: Two identical calendar event placeholders may be created when using the Sugar Connect portal meeting scheduler.
- 85658: In Office 365, the initial contact sync may create contacts shown as "Name is unavailable".
- 85275: While composing an email in Google Workspace, misspelled words are changed to a different font and increased in size.
November 16, 2020
Feature Enhancements
- Add Label to Archived Emails: Emails archived using "Quick Save to Sugar" and "Save with Options" will now be flagged with the "Copied to CRM" label in Google Workspace (formerly G Suite).
- "Save Attachments by Default" User Setting: In the Sugar Connect sidebar in both Google Workspace and Office 365, you can choose to disable or enable saving email attachments by default.
- "Relate Emails to Contact and Account Automatically on Archive" User Setting: In the Sugar Connect sidebar both Google Workspace and Office 365, you can choose to disable or enable automatically relating emails to Sugar contact and account records on archive.
- "Automatically Sync Outgoing Emails" User Setting: In the Sugar Connect sidebar in Google Workspace, you can choose to disable or enable the automatic archiving of outgoing emails.
- Enhanced Search and Select in Relate Fields: When creating or editing a record in the Sugar Connect sidebar, relate fields now have a "Search and Select" option similar to the behavior you experience in Sugar, making it easier to locate records.
Fixed Issues
- 85941: Creating an opportunity in the Sugar Connect sidebar with a sales stage of "Prospecting" results in the Sugar record having a null value in the Sales Stage field.
- 85767: Composing an email from Office 365 (Mac), selecting "Quick Save to Sugar" or "Save with Options", and then sending the email, does not consistently archive the email to SugarCRM.
- 84420: In Google Workspace when email tracking is enabled by default, the email will not be tracked if it is sent prior to Google Workspace autosaving the draft.
October 26, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 85591: Composing an email from Office 365 (Windows), selecting "Quick Save to Sugar" or "Save with Options", and then sending the email, does not consistently archive the email to SugarCRM.
- 85590: Composing an email with an attachment, selecting "Quick Save to Sugar" or "Save with Options", and then sending the email, does not consistently archive the attachment to SugarCRM.
- 85405: Calculated fields appear to be editable in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
October 12, 2020
Feature Enhancements
- Add Category to Archived Emails: Emails archived using "Quick Save to Sugar" and "Save with Options" will now be flagged with the Sugar Connect/Copied to CRM category in Office 365.
- Sync Contacts Not Assigned to You: You can now sync lead and contact records not assigned to you by marking them to sync in the G Suite or Office 365 Sugar Connect sidebar.
Fixed Issues
- 85551: In the Sugar Connect sidebar, the Load More link in the related modules subpanels does not load additional records.
- 84319: In the Sugar Connect sidebar, when creating a task from the contact record's Tasks subpanel, the Relate To field defaults to the contact, rather than the contact's account.
September 28th, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 85570: Meetings in Outlook that were created using the calendar sync are shown in the UTC time zone instead of the user's time zone.
- 85523: The Save with Options feature in G Suite archives additional, subsequent emails sent until the browser session is refreshed.
September 14, 2020
Feature Enhancements
- Enhanced Search Results: When searching for records in the Sugar Connect sidebar, the results display additional details below the record name (e.g., contact records display title and account name).
- License Validation: Sugar Connect administrators can enter and update their SugarCRM license key from within the Sugar Connect Portal.
- Show or Hide "My Sugar Tasks": You can now choose to show or hide the My Sugar Tasks dashboard in G Suite.
- Sugar Connect Dark Mode: You can now enable Dark Mode in the Sugar Connect sidebar for both Office 365 and G Suite.
Fixed Issues
- 85403: Receiving error message for required fields when attempting to convert a lead from the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 85355: Add-in error is shown when the SugarCRM login session expires within the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 85227: In the Sugar Connect portal, the Users list in Email Tracking > Dashboard is overlapped by the Emails chart when more than five users are listed.
- 85222: Inbox email count (e.g., 51-100 of 990) has black numbers and is difficult to read when G Suite Theme with a dark color is applied.
- 85120: Re-authentication steps needed after session time-out in the Sugar Connect sidebar are unclear and result in errors.
- 84883: In the Sugar Connect portal, the Emails chart in Email Tracking > Dashboard shows negative numbers on the y-axis.
- 84385: Sugar Connect does not allow users to archive emails to the Projects or Project Tasks modules.
- 84154: In Outlook desktop for Windows, the Assigned To field is not loading or able to be modified.
- 84105: Scheduler time may show as available when a meeting has been scheduled during that time.
August 4, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 84972: In the Save with Options window, the Date Modified for all related entries shows the current date, rather than the dates the records were last updated.
- 84935: Fields that are both required in Sugar and hidden from view in the Sugar Connect sidebar will prevent the record from being saved.
- 84740: Template variables are not populating as expected from SugarCRM into G Suite when selected via Sugar Connect.
- 84454: The attachment from a SugarCRM email template will not be included when selected via Sugar Connect in Outlook for Windows, and in Outlook for the web, non-image files will not be included.
- 83986: Dependent dropdown fields causing save error in Outlook for Windows.
- 83732: Outlook users are unable to archive emails to custom modules.
- 83730: Multiselect field selections may extend beyond the width of the sidebar when in the sidebar's Edit View.
- 83371: The subject line that is saved with an email template does not copy over from the template as expected.
July 16, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 84866: In G Suite, hovering over an email does not always update the information in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 84861: In G Suite, when archiving an email and attachment to multiple Sugar contacts, the body of the email may not be archived.
- 84810: Some Outlook users are experiencing an "Add-in Error" while the sidebar will not load completely.
- 84704: Inline images are not displayed in Sugar when an email is archived using Sugar Connect's Quick Save feature.
- 84639: Registering for Sugar Connect with a special character in first or last name causes errors when verifying the CRM Data Source.
- 84322: Only tasks with both a start date and end date will sync from Sugar to Outlook.
- 84000: Within the Sugar Connect sidebar, for some Sugar CRM fields or modules, the system name may be shown instead of the display label.
- 83995: Removing the Show More panel from record layout in Sugar > Admin > Studio, causes the "Edit Entry" function in the Connect sidebar to appear as a blank record.
- 83705: Required fields are not consistently validated when creating and editing Sugar records via the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 83506: The Sugar Connect Scheduler page does not render properly on mobile devices.
June 25, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 84819: In G Suite's General Settings, selecting a "Default reply behavior" option hides the Sugar Connect button within emails.
- 84811: In G Suite's Inbox Settings, selecting the "Enable reading pane" option hides the Sugar Connect button within emails.
- 84627: When conversation view is set to off in Outlook for the web, you will be logged out of the sidebar after clicking a different email in your inbox. As a workaround, enable conversation view.
- 84561: The Track Email button is not appearing in Outlook when Sugar Connect is installed by searching for and adding the published app available through Microsoft.
- 84413: G Suite users are able to log in to tenants created for Microsoft, causing an array of issues.
- 83996: Auto-link users to Sugar under Admin Center in Sugar Connect portal is not working as expected before clicking Trigger Now.
- 83913: Outlook users are unable to link a message to a Sugar record using the 'Save with Options' feature.
- 83372: Using "Send Later" fails and instead sends the message immediately in Gmail.
- 83370: User variables do not function properly on email templates.
May 18, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 84617: Some users are unable to verify their instance URL under "CRM Data Source" in the Sugar Connect Portal.
- 84529: Some users are experiencing continuous loading or being logged out of the Sugar Connect sidebar in Outlook.
- 84419: A read-only field will prevent creating and updating a contact record in the Sugar Connect sidebar.
- 84307: Some admin users are unable to archive email when the same credentials are used in CRM Data Source and Sugar credentials.
- 83755: The option to set up New Contact Management is improperly shown on the Sugar Connect portal's home page.
- 83368: The "Teams" feature for the administration of users appears as an option in the admin user interface but is not functional.
April 20, 2020
Feature Enhancements
- SugarIdentity Integration: Sugar Connect can now authenticate users' access to the Outlook sidebar and G Suite sidebar by utilizing SugarIdentity.
- Archiving Email Attachments: Outlook users have the ability to archive an email attachment to SugarCRM without archiving the entire email.
Fixed Issues
- 84339: There is not an option to disable email notifications for sync failures.
- 84277: The meeting scheduler is showing recurring meeting time slots as available.
- 84087: Sidebar module search will not return any results when a space is included and only works with single characters or words.
- 83400: Emails archived from Sugar Connect with Gmail contain extra characters in the from address.
March 23, 2020
Feature Enhancements
- Email Tracking: All users have the ability to track emails sent from G Suite and Outlook 365 and view statistics of opens, links clicked, and replies in both the Sugar Connect Sidebar and the Sugar Connect Portal.
- Archiving Email Attachments: G Suite users have the ability to archive an email attachment to SugarCRM without archiving the entire email.
Fixed Issues
- 83674: G Suite users are unable to archive EHTML mail.
February 22, 2020
Feature Enhancements
- Cookie Consent: All users must accept the use of cookies when prompted during log in (first log in for new users and next log in for existing users) in order to use Sugar Connect.
- Portal Sync Status Error Messages: When critical errors occur which halt the sync process, the Sugar Connect Portal will display alerts above Sync Settings with a reason for failure and an action for resolution.
- Email Report of Sync Failures: When an item is skipped in the sync process due to a non-critical error, Sugar Connect will email a list of those items to the user.
Fixed Issues
- 83945: Users with low bandwidth may experience a blank sidebar.
- 83866: Users are unable to load emails in Outlook version 16.35 (20012902).
January 27, 2020
Fixed Issues
- 83760: For "Related To" fields, users can select a related record but cannot change the related module for the field as expected.
- 83757: Outlook on the Web persistently prompts the user to allow opening a new window during "Save With Options".
- 83544: Users in certain time zones may not be able to access the Sugar Connect portal.
Sugar Connect 2019 Release Notes
October 14, 2019
Feature Enhancements
- Sugar Connect Sidebar: View and work with Sugar records from a convenient sidebar in Outlook or Gmail.
- Email Archiving: Create a copy of an email message as a record in Sugar's Emails module and relate it to associated Sugar records.
- Email Templates: Access the email templates from your Sugar instance in Outlook or Gmail.
- Send Later: Set a date and time in the future to send an email message that you want to write now.
- Sugar Connect Meeting Scheduler: Get a unique, shareable link to let others see your availability, schedule a meeting with you, and automatically add the meeting to your calendar.
- Contact Book Sync: Push your leads and contacts from Sugar to your Outlook or Google address book.