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MS Word Plug-in Release Notes Aug 2012


This document describes fixed issues for Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word, August 2012 release.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word. Case Portal users can access the case portal for more details about each issue:

  • 49235 : Version, Build and Copyright information in the About window of Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word 2010 is out of date
  • 49711 : Records selected from the Perform Mail Merge>Search>Search results list are also displayed in the Available list
  • 54453 : Merging a Microsoft Word document that was previously saved and closed displays an error message
  • 55305 : Contacts' Teams are not imported when records are merged from Sugar
  • 55917 : Password fields cannot be populated for global installations of Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word