Let the platform do the work

MS Word Plug-in Release Notes Apr 2012


This document describes new features and fixed issues for Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word, April 2012 release.

Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements are included in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word:

  • Global installation of Sugar Plug-in for MS Word : Ability to select All users during installation of Sugar Plug-in for MS Word to enable multiple users to access the application on the same machine
  • Code parameters to automate the build process : Build number, Version number, and IsTrial flags added as parameters, instead of hard code, to automate the build process

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Word. Case Portal users can access the case portal for more details about each issue:

  • 18303 : All date/time fields in mail merge are displayed in GMT instead of local time
  • 38843 : Mail Merge from Sugar Plug-in for MS Word pulls drop-down database value instead of display value
  • 50632 : Access denied error message is displayed when Sugar Plug-in for MS Word is launched on Word 2007, Windows 7
  • 50633 : Templates cannot be uploaded on Sugar Plug-in for MS Word running on MS Word 2007, Windows 7