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MS Excel Plug-in Release Notes 3.0.0


This document describes any feature enhancements, as well as fixed and/or known issues for the 3.0.0 release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Excel. For information on supported platforms, please refer to the Plug-ins Supported Platforms page.

Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements are included in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Excel:

  • Modern backend protocols: The Excel Plug-in now uses Sugar's RESTful API to ensure the plug-in uses modern technology and will continue to be supported into the future.
  • Full SugarIdentity support: The plug-in is fully integrated with and requires SugarIdentity; it now supports single sign-on and multi-factor authentication.
  • All modules are supported: All modules, including custom modules, are now available to work with the Excel Plug-in. 
  • Error logging: A logging tab has been added to the plug-in settings as a place to gather logs to better assist in troubleshooting potential issues.
  • Improved loading times in the report viewer: A new report setting allows users to select how many reports to load, significantly improving load times for customers with a lot of reports.
  • Query wizard improvements: The query wizard has received several improvements to make the user experience smoother.
    • Human-readable field names shown: The query wizard now retrieves the full display label of field names, so users do not need to figure out which system names correlate with what is displayed.
    • Reload queries: The Reload option has been added to the Excel Plug-in ribbon to allow you to easily refresh data shown in query results.
    • Additional conditions: Queries written in the query wizard can now have more than three conditions.
    • Improvements for updating records with the query wizard: If a record is invalid or missing an ID, you can skip the row(s) or cancel the entire operation.

Fixed Issues

The following issue has been resolved in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Excel. Case Portal users can access the case portal for more details about this issue:

  • 82409: The plug-in may fail to install if the "Require Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher" option is enabled in the Microsoft Excel Trust Center settings.