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Creating Form Templates


Form templates allow you to reuse your designed forms to help you quickly generate new forms, and ensure consistency across your forms and conformity to company standards. Templates save all of your form's fields, their settings and mappings, and your form's design. Your form actions and field rules are not saved in a template, including your redirect URL.

Creating the Template

  1. Navigate to Form Builder and either create a new form or open an existing form
  2. Ensure your setup and style preferences are complete.
  3. On any step in the Form Builder, expand the three-dots menu and select "Save as Template".
    SM UG EMB template
  4. In the Save as Template dialog, identify a name for the template, the folder where the template is to be stored, and a description of the template.
  5. Click the Save button. After the save is complete, the template becomes available in the opening page of the Page Builder in the Templates section.

Editing Form Templates

While Sugar Market does not include an editor for Form templates, you can create a new template from an existing template by creating a new form, editing the design, and then saving it as a new template.