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Working with Email Templates


Email templates allow you to reuse your designed emails to help you quickly generate new emails and ensure consistency across your emails. As a best practice, we recommend creating at least one template that contains your company logo, global styles and colors, and social buttons. Steps to create Alert Email Templates, a type of Email Template that is required for all alert steps in a nurture, are also described on this page.


To access and create email templates in Email Builder, you must have the "Templates" Marketing Permission enabled for your user or role.

Creating Email Templates

To create an email template:

  1. In the navigation bar, click the Emails module.
  2. Click the Emails Templates submodule.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. Alternatively, you can also quickly create a new email template via the navigation bar from the three-dots menu in the Emails module.
    SM UG EMB template create
  5. Identify a name for the template, the folder where the template is to be stored, and a description of the template.
  6. To allow the template to be used in the CRM Iframe, enable the "Make Template Available to Sales" option.
  7. Click the Next button.
  8. Select a theme or existing template, and then click the Next button.
  9. Create the template content using the Designing Emails documentation as a reference.
  10. Click the Complete button.

Creating Alert Email Templates

Alert Email Templates allow you to use an email template with the Alert steps in a nurture. To create an alert template:

  1. Create a template. 
  2. On the setup step of the Email Template Builder, select "Save this as an Alert Template".
  3. Finish creating your template. The template will then be available to use when you configure an Alert element in a nurture.

Alternatively, you can also quickly create a new email alert template via the navigation bar from the three-dots menu in the Emails module. This will pre-select the "Save this as an Alert Template" option.

Creating Templates Within Email Builder

You can also create templates by saving an existing email design as a template:

  1. Navigate to Email Builder and either create a new email or open a draft email.
  2. Click the three-dots menu in the builder toolbar and select "Save as Template".
    SM UG EMB template

Using Email Templates

in Step 2 of Email Builder, email templates and alert templates are available for use as the template for your email. 

To access existing templates:

  1. Navigate to Email Builder and either create a new email or open a draft email.
  2. On the Templates tab in the Type step of the builder, expand the Templates or Alert Templates section. Templates are displayed in reverse chronological order by the date they were created and archived templates are not displayed.
  3. Click on the desired template thumbnail to display a larger view in the right panel.
  4. Click the Next button at the bottom of the builder to continue working in Email Builder. 

Searching for Email Templates

To access the Email Templates list view:

  1. In the navigation bar, click the Emails module.
  2. Click the Emails Templates tab.

This list view defaults to the most recent template at the top. If you prefer to browse by the folder in which the email is saved, then click the Folder View icon in the toolbar.

To sort the view, use one of the following methods:

  • Click the Sort icon in the toolbar to choose a field on which to sort. The list is sorted in ascending order.
  • Click the arrow next to the column heading to change the sort order to descending.
    SM UG EMB templatesort

To quickly locate specific templates, use one of the following methods:

  • Type the email name or a portion of the name in the Search field and then click the magnifying glass icon.
  • Click the Advanced Search icon next to the Search field to open a dialog that provides additional search criteria.
    SM UG EMB templatesearch

Viewing Email Template Details

Select a row in the list view to display a template's details or click the name to display the template in Email Builder
SM UG EMB template details

Editing Email Templates

Use one of the following methods to edit email templates:

  • Click the name of the template in the Manage Email Templates view to open the template in Email Builder.
  • Click the template row, anywhere except for the template name, and then click the pencil icon in the toolbar.

The following additional options are available when you click the three-dots menu, with the template row selected, in the toolbar:


  • Source Code: Open a window that contains the template's HTML code. You can copy this code to your system clipboard, but you can not edit the code. 
  • Duplicate: Make a copy of the email.
  • Rename: Change the template name.
  • Archive: Remove the template from the current view. To access archived templates, click the Switch to Archived icon in the toolbar. Archived email templates will not appear in Email Builder and archived email alert templates will not appear in Nurture Builder alert steps.
  • Delete: Delete the template from Sugar Market. Deleted templates cannot be recovered.

Deleting Email Templates

You can delete email templates from the Manage Email Templates list view as shown in the Editing Email Templates section, or within the email builder via the three-dots menu in the toolbar:
SM UG EMB template

Accessing Email Template Revision History

Revision history is maintained for changes made to email templates and you can restore previous versions. After you modify and save an email template, you must leave the builder and then open the template again to view the most recent history.

To access an email template's revision history:

  1. With the email template open in the builder, click the three-dots menu in the toolbar and then select "Revision History".
    SM UG EMB template history
  2. Within the History section, you can click the desired version to display the Preview and Restore options.
    SM UG EMB template previewrestore
  3. Click "Preview" to display the version of the template, and then click "Exit" to return.
  4. Click "Restore" to immediately replace the current version with the selected version. There is no confirmation after selecting "Restore".