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Data Field and Table Dictionary: Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, and Users

The following tables describe core contact, account, opportunity, and user record fields in Sugar Market. An asterisk (*) following the description indicates a user input field. See the Data Field and Table Dictionary: Marketing Activities page for marketing activity record fields.


The following is the primary data table for contact and lead records.

Column Name Description Data Type
AccountID AccountID from the Accounts Table int
AnnualRevenue Annual Revenue* nvarchar(20)
Area Area / Location* nvarchar(50)
AssistantName Assistant Name* nvarchar(40)
AssistantPhone Assistant Phone* nvarchar(40)
BillingCity City of the billing address* nvarchar(40)
BillingCountry Country of the billing address* nvarchar(40)
BillingState State of the billing address* nvarchar(20)
BillingStreet Billing address* nvarchar(80)
BillingZip Zip code of the billing address* nvarchar(20)
BirthDate Date of birth* date
City City of contact person* nvarchar(40)
Company Company Name for lead records* nvarchar(255)
ContactID Unique Identity int
ConvertedDate Salesforce-specific: Date lead was converted nvarchar(20)
Country Country of contact person* nvarchar(40)
CreatedByID User ID of the user who created the record int
CreatedDate Date record was created smalldatetime
CRMID Legacy Sugar Market field replaced by ID nvarchar(255)
CRMType Lead or contact nvarchar(20)
DelDate Last time the delivery information was updated for a contact datetime
delMessage Delivered/bounce reason nvarchar(50)
delStatus Delivery status: 0 = unknown, 1 = delivered, 2 = bounced int
Department Department* nvarchar(255)
Description Description* nvarchar(500)
District District* nvarchar(50)
DoNotCall Do not call* nvarchar(20)
Email Recipient email address nvarchar(250)
Fax Fax* nvarchar(40)
FirstName Contact's first name* nvarchar(255)
Fusion_Score__c Salesforce-specific field available for scoring nvarchar(10)
Fusion_Score_Description__c Salesforce-specific: scoring description nvarchar(255)
Gender Contact/lead's gender* nvarchar(50)
HasOptedOutOfEmail Salesforce-specific: Has opted out of email nvarchar(20)
HomePhone Home phone number* nvarchar(40)
Id Reserved for the external CRM's unique ID nvarchar(100)
Industry Industry* nvarchar(40)
IsConverted Salesforce-specific: designates if record is converted from lead to contact nvarchar(20)
IsDeleted Salesforce-specific: whether the record is marked for deletion nvarchar(20)
IsUnreadByOwner Salesforce-specific: whether the record ever been opened nvarchar(20)
KidsName Kids Name* nvarchar(255)
LastActivityDate Salesforce-specific: last activity of record nvarchar(20)
LastModifiedById Salesforce-specific: last modified by Salesforce ID nvarchar(18)
LastModifiedDate Salesforce-specific: last modified date nvarchar(20)
LastName Contact's last name* nvarchar(255)
LastUpdate Last update date smalldatetime
LastUpdateByID Last updated by ID – related to user table int
LeadSource Lead Source* nvarchar(40)
MailingCity Mailing city name* nvarchar(40)
MailingCountry Mailing country name* nvarchar(40)
MailingPostalCode Postal code of mailing city* nvarchar(20)
MailingState Mailing state name* nvarchar(20)
MailingStreet Mailing address 1* nvarchar(500)
Mailing address 2* nvarchar(50)
MailingZip Mailing zip code* nvarchar(20)
MasterRecordId Salesforce-specific: master record ID (contact to contact ownership) nvarchar(18)
Mobile Contact's mobile number* nvarchar(40)
MobilePhone Mobile phone number* nvarchar(40)
Name Full name* nvarchar(500)
NumberOfEmployees Number of employees* nvarchar(20)

Opt-in to email: Y = Yes; N = No*

OpOut Opt-out of email: Y = Yes; N = No*
OpOutCampaignerID Campaign user opted out from int
opOutDate Date & time user opted out datetime
OtherCity Other city* nvarchar(40)
OtherCountry Other country*
OtherPhone Other phone* nvarchar(40)
OtherPostalCode Other postal code* nvarchar(20)
OtherState Other state* nvarchar(20)
OtherStreet Other street* nvarchar(255)
OwnerEmail No longer used nvarchar(150)
OwnerID Linked to User.UserID - represents who owns the record int
Phone Contact person's phone number* nvarchar(40)
PostalCode Postal code* nvarchar(20) 
PURLID Unique Personal URL code  nvarchar(100) 
Rating  Rating*  nvarchar(40) 
Region Region*  nvarchar(50)
Salary Salary* nvarchar(20) 
SalesfusionLastActivity  Last marketing activity (web, email open/click, events, landing pages)  datetime
Salutation  Salutation*  nvarchar(255) 
Score  Default field to capture the score from scoring profiles  int 
ScoreDescription  Default field to capture the scoring description from scoring profiles nvarchar(100) 
SfEventID  Event ID used for tracking event registrations from landing pages  nvarchar(50) 
ShortDescription  Short description for contact lead record*  nvarchar(100) 
Source  Tracks where contact/lead was created. Often overwritten, but can track if it came from an update, the CRM, etc.  nvarchar(250) 
SpouseBDay  Spouse's birthday*  date
SpouseName  Spouse's name*  nvarchar(50)
State  State*  nvarchar(20) 
Status Status of contact or lead* nvarchar(64) 
Street  Street address*  nvarchar(255) 
TeamMember Team member*  nvarchar(50) 
Title  Title*  nvarchar(80) 
Website  Website* nvarchar(255) 


The following is the primary table for account records.

Column Name Description Data Type
AccountID Unique identifier for Accounts int
AccountName Name of account nvarchar(255)
AccountNumber Account number nvarchar(255)
AccountSite Location Name nvarchar(255)
BillingCity City of the billing address nvarchar(255)
BillingCountry Country of the billing address nvarchar(255)
BillingState State of the billing address nvarchar(255)
BillingStreet Street of the billing address nvarchar(255)
BillingZip Zip code of the billing address nvarchar(10)
CreatedByID User ID of the user that created the record int
CreatedDate Date record was created smalldatetime
Description Description nvarchar(500)
Employees Number of employees nvarchar(255)
Fax Fax number for account nvarchar(255)
ID Reserved for the external CRM's unique ID nvarchar(100)
Industry Industry nvarchar(500)
LastUpdate Date on which the record was last modified smalldatetime
LastUpdateID User ID of the user who last modified the record int
OwnerID User ID nvarchar(40)
Ownership Ownership – free form text int
ParentID Related to Account ID; used in Account card to relate an account to a parent account int
Phone Phone number of account nvarchar(255)
Rating Rating of account – free form text nvarchar(40)
ShippingCity City of the shipping address nvarchar(255)
ShippingCountry Country of the shipping address nvarchar(255)
ShippingState State of the shipping address nvarchar(255)
ShippingStreet Street of the shipping address nvarchar(255)
ShippingZip Zip code of the shipping address nvarchar(10)
ShortDescription Description nvarchar(255)
SIC SIC Code nvarchar(255)
TeamMember Free form text for team member nvarchar(255)
Type Type – typically a drop down list of various account types nvarchar(64)
URL Website URL nvarchar(255)


The following is the primary table for opportunity records.

Column Name Description Data Type
AccountID AccountID of Account table int
Amount Amount or value of opportunity* Decimal(18,2)
Biased_Towards__c Salesforce-specific nvarchar(50)
Closing_Date Actual Closing Date* date
ContactID Unique Contact Identity int
CreatedByID User ID of the user who created the record int
CreatedDate Date record was created datetime
Description Description* nvarchar(500)
Est_Closing_Date Estimated Closing Date* date
ID Reserved for the external CRM's unique ID nvarchar(100)
LeadSource Lead source* nvarchar(50)
Next_Step Next step* nvarchar(50)
OpportunityID Unique opportunity Identity int
OpportunityName Name of opportunity nvarchar(250)
OppType Salesforce-specific nvarchar(50)
OppType__c Salesforce-specific nvarchar(50)
OwnerID User ID of user table int
Probability Probability* nvarchar(50)
ProductName Product name* nvarchar(100)
Stage Opportunity stage nvarchar(50)
UpdatedByID User ID of user who last updated the record int
UpdatedDate Date record was last updated datetime


The following is the primary table for user records.

Column Name Description Data Type
Address1 User's address line 1* nvarchar(50)
Address1 User's address line 2* nvarchar(50)
Bio User's bio* nvarchar(max)
Cell User's mobile number* varchar(20)
City User's city* nvarchar(50)
CompanyWebsite Company website URL* nvarchar(150)
Country User's country* nvarchar(50)
CustomerID User's customer ID* int
Email User's email address* nvarchar(100)
FaceBook User's Facebook URL* nvarchar(100)
FirstName User's first name* nvarchar(50)
ID Reserved for the external CRM's unique ID nvarchar(50)
JobTitle User's job title* nvarchar(100)
LastName User's last name* nvarchar(50)
LetterClosing Letter closing used for email merge* varchar(50)
LinkedIn User's LinkedIn URL* nvarchar(200)
Name User's full name (first name and last name)* nvarchar(50)
PasswordSize Encryption size for password int
Phone_number User's phone number* nvarchar(50)
PhoneExtension User's phone number extension* varchar(10)
Picture Binary storage for picture* Varbinary(max)
Salutation Salutation (Mr., Mrs., etc.)* nvarchar(50)
State User's state name* nvarchar(100)
Status 1 = active user; 2 = inactive user int
Twitter  User's Twitter URL*  nvarchar(200) 
UserID Unique, primary key, set by identity  int 
UserName Unique user name used for login nvarchar(50) 
Zip User's zip code*  nvarchar(16)