Let the platform do the work

Sage CRM Mappings


The following fields, grouped by their tables in Sugar Market, are pulled down from Sage CRM into Sugar Market. See the Integration Overview for information on the Sugar Market sync process.


Sage CRM Field Sage CRM Table Sugar Market Field
-- Company AccountID (primary key)
Companyid (primary key) Company ID
Name Company AccountName
Primaryuserid (foreign key) Company OwenrID (foreign key)

Leads and Contacts

Sugar Market does not have a Leads table, but they are differentiated in the Contacts table by the CRMType field.

Sage CRM Field Sage CRM Table Sugar Market Field
-- -- ContactID (primary key)
LeadID (primary key) Lead ID
Person ID (primary key) Person ID
Sage's Account ID (foreign key) Person AccountID (foreign key)
Assigned UserID / Primay UserID (foreign key) Lead OwnerID (foreign key)
-- -- CRMType 
-- -- CreatedDate
-- -- LastUpdate
CreatedDate Person ExternalCRMCreatedDate
UpdatedDate1 Lead ExternalCRMUpdatedDate
PersonFirstName / FirstName Lead FirstName
PersonLastName / LastName Lead LastName
PersonEmail / EmailAddress Person Email
mailrestriction Person
-- -- Source
-- -- LeadSource
PersonTitle / Title Lead Title
PersonPhoneNumber* Lead Phone
Phone Number Person Phone
Companyaddress1 / Address1 Lead MailingStreet
-- -- MailingStreet2
Companycity / City Lead MailingCity
Companystate / State Lead MailingState
Companypostcode / Postcode Lead MailingZip
Companycountry /Country Person MailingCountry

1 The UpdatedDate field is the field that Sugar Market uses to determine if the record has been updated since the last successful sync to evaluate if the record needs to be synced.

* Note: Only the Sugar Market MobilePhone field is pushed to Sage CRM's PersonPhoneNumber field; the value in the Phone field is not pushed. 


Sage CRM Field Sage CRM Table Sugar Market Field
-- -- OpportunityID (primary key)
OpportunityID (primary key) Opportunity ID
PrimaryCompanyID (primary key) Opportunity AccountID (foreign key)
AssignedUserID (foreign key) Opportunity OwnerID (foreign key)
-- -- LeadSource
Description Opportunity Description
-- -- OpportunityName
Stage Opportunity Stage
-- -- StageName


Sage CRM Field Sage CRM Table Sugar Market Field
UserID (primary key) Users ID
FirstName Users FirstName
LastName Users LastName
Logon Users Username
FirstName + LastName Users Name
Phone (user_phone) Users Phone Number
MobilePhone (user_mobilephone) Users Cell
Title (user_title) Users JobTitle

Push Only - Sugar Market's Task to Sage's Communication Table

Sage CRM Field Sage CRM Table Sugar Market Field
-- -- TaskID (primary key)
Sage's Communication Table ID (primary key) Communication ID
LeadID / PersonID (foreign key) Communication ContactID (foreign key)
ContactName Communication Contact.FirstName + Contact.LastName
Datetime Communication DueDate
Todatetime Communication duedate
Note Communication Subject
Comments Communication Description
Priority (value "Normal") Communication --

Note: If Sugar Market Task.Status is blank, the value "In progress" will be pushed. Otherwise, the value defined will be pushed.