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Bullhorn Connector for Sugar Market


This page describes the Sugar Market integration with Bullhorn CRM, including configuring, syncing, and using data mappings.

Important: Review Integration Overview: All CRM Types before proceeding with this topic.


Supported Versions

Refer to the Sugar Market Supported Platforms page for the current list of Bullhorn CRM versions that Sugar Market supports.

Accessing the Sugar Market Connector for Bullhorn CRM

Your Sugar Market Connector for Bullhorn CRM provides access to set up the integration, set your synchronization preferences, and a time table of the last completed sync with your CRM.

To access the connector:

  1. Log in to your Sugar Market account and from the user menu, click "Admin".
  2. In the CRM Administrator section, within the External Connector tab, click "Bullhorn CRM".
    SM INT Bullhorn menu2

Configuring the Sugar Market Connector for Bullhorn CRM

The following steps are required to configure the connector:

  1. Obtain the API key from Bullhorn
  2. Set your sync credentials
  3. Set your sync preferences
  4. Contact Sugar Market Support

Obtain the API key from Bullhorn

To complete the sync between Sugar Market and Bullhorn, an API key is required. To create or retrieve the API key:

  1. In Bullhorn CRM, navigate to Menu > Tools > BH Connect.
    SM IG Bullhorn connect
  2. Expand "Web Services API" and click the name of the appropriate account name. If there are no accounts, then click the Add Account button. Assign a name, and then click "Update" to save the new account. 
    SM IG Bullhorn APIopen
  3. Copy the API key to your system clipboard to use in the Sugar Market credentials.

Set Sync Credentials

Sugar Market will use a Bullhorn CRM user name and password to sync with your CRM. Contact Bullhorn Support to ensure that your CRM is set up to use the REST API and to get the Client ID and Client Secret. All records created or updated by the Sugar Market sync are attributed to the syncing user; therefore, the syncing user must have the necessary permissions to read and update all records you want to sync in Sugar Market.

Note: Bullhorn will request a Redirect URL when you request the API information. Since this is an optional parameter that Sugar Market does not reference during sync, it is not necessary.

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  1. Identify your sync credentials:
    • User ID : The Bullhorn CRM user name Sugar Market will use to authenticate when syncing.
    • Password : The password for above user.
    • Client ID : Gathered from Bullhorn Support.
    • Client Secret : Gathered from Bullhorn Support.
    • Data Center : Available data centers' URLs. Please contact Bullhorn Support if you are unable to identify the correct data center.
  2. Click the Save Connection button.
  3. Add connection information:
    • API Key : Paste the API key you copied to your system clipboard.
    • Unique Organization ID : Click "Get CRM Corporation ID" to generate the Unique Organization ID from your CRM after all other fields are complete.
      Note: It is very important to only perform this step after everything else is complete.
  4. Click the Save Profile button.
  5. Select a user name from the "Default user for new leads" list. This is the user assigned as the default (catchall) owner of a new lead when it is pushed up to Bullhorn and the user does not already exist in Bullhorn (the user only exists in Sugar Market). When the user does not already exist in Bullhorn, Sugar Market assigns the defined user in this setting as the lead record owner. The user name only populates this list after the initial sync is complete.

Set Sync Preferences

Set up your syncing preferences in the Pull Data and Push Data sections. This includes the information you want Sugar Market to sync down and the information you want Sugar Market to update and create. See the full explanation of each item below.

Pull Data (Sync from CRM)

Data Option


Pull Accounts

Sugar Market syncs down Accounts from Bullhorn CRM.                                                                                                                           

Pull Leads

Sugar Market syncs down Leads from Bullhorn CRM.

Pull Contacts

Sugar Market syncs down Contacts from Bullhorn CRM.

Pull Candidates

Sugar Market syncs down Candidates from Bullhorn CRM.

Pull Opportunities

Sugar Market syncs down Opportunities from Bullhorn CRM.

Pull Tearsheet Lists to Distribution Lists

Sugar Market syncs down Tearsheet Lists from Bullhorn CRM to be used as send lists.

Keep picklist values in sync

Sugar Market syncs down full picklist value options from Bullhorn CRM.

Push Data (Sync to CRM)

Data Option


Allow the creation of new leads

Sugar Market will insert new leads in Bullhorn (dictated by CRM Type field in Contact table).

Allow the creation of new contacts

Sugar Market will insert new contacts in Bullhorn (dictated by CRM Type field in Contact table).

Allow the creation of new candidates

Sugar Market will insert new candidates in Bullhorn (dictated by CRM Type field in Contact table).

Allow Updates to Lead, Contact and Candidate records

Sugar Market will update existing contacts, leads, and candidates in Bullhorn.

Allow updating unsubscribe status

When someone unsubscribes through Sugar Market, Sugar Market will update the Unsubscribe status of that lead, contact, or candidate record in Bullhorn (massMailOptOut field).

Allow updating of Score Field for Leads and Contacts

If a CRM custom field is selected as the field to be used in a scoring profile, Sugar Market scores will be pushed into Bullhorn. The custom field must be an integer field and exist on both contact and lead tables.  Scores are pushed to Bullhorn in batches of 2,000 per entity (Contact, Lead, Candidate).

Allow updating of Score Field for Candidates

If a CRM custom field is selected as the field to be used in a scoring profile, Sugar Market scores will be pushed into Bullhorn. The custom field must be an integer field and exist on both contact and lead tables. Scores are pushed to Bullhorn in batches of 2,000 per entity (Contact, Lead, Candidate).

Allow the creation of new Opportunities

Sugar Market will insert new Opportunities in Bullhorn.

Push Deliverability Status for Leads and Contacts

Sugar Market will push up the delivered or bounced reason to a custom field in Bullhorn. Field must be nvarchar(100).

Push Deliverability Status for Candidates

Sugar Market will push up the delivered or bounced reason to a custom field in Bullhorn. Field must be nvarchar(100).

Push Sugar Market Last Activity for Candidates

Sugar Market will push up the candidate last marketing activity date/time to a custom field in Bullhorn.

Pushing Candidates to Bullhorn CRM

While Sugar Market has always pulled candidate records from Bullhorn, the option to push new and updated candidate records into Bullhorn was recently introduced. Refer to the following examples for candidate push options:

SM IG Bullhorn pushcandidates

  1. To push new candidate records into Bullhorn, enable the "Allow the creation of new candidates" option.
  2. To push updated candidate records into Bullhorn, enable the "Allow Updates to Lead, Contact and Candidate records" option.
  3. To push update scoring for candidate records into Bullhorn, enable the "Allow updating of Score Field for Candidates" option.
  4. To push the email deliverability status for candidate records into Bullhorn, enable the "Push Deliverability Status for Candidates" option.
  5. To push the last marketing activity date/time for candidate records into Bullhorn, enable the "Push Sugar Market Last Activity for Candidates" option.

Contact Sugar Market Support

After completing the bundle installation and connector configuration, contact Sugar Market Support to initiate the sync.

Configuring the Buyer's Journey

The Buyer's Journey Integration allows you to view the entire lifecycle of a prospect's marketing activity. With the Journey, your sales representatives will have access to our invaluable marketing journey, which is located in your contact and lead records directly in your CRM. This section explains how to set up the Buyer's Journey Integration in Bullhorn CRM.

  1. In Bullhorn CRM, navigate to Menu > Tools > View Layout.
    SM IG Bullhorn viewlayout
  2. In the Field Map Entity dropdown, select an entity (Lead, Contact, or Candidate) where you want to show the Buyer's Journey. While this example uses the Contact entity, the steps are the same for Leads and Candidates.
  3. Select "Custom Tabs", then click the Add New button. Enter the values below, and then click "Save":
  4. To ensure that the new tab is functional, open any Lead record and confirm it includes a Sugar Market tab that looks similar to the screenshot below:
    SM IG Bullhorn iframe
  5. Repeat these steps for all other entities where you want the Buyer's Journey available.

Note: For Bullhorn Novo, there is a known issue by the Bullhorn development team that will prevent these steps from working for the Lead entity (Bullhorn Ticket# 03744981). For a workaround, please contact Sugar Market Support