Let the platform do the work

Mobile Supported Platforms

For more information including links to download Sugar's mobile products, please refer to the Mobile Solutions page.

Mobile Solution Sugar Versions Phone Devices (OS) Tablet Devices (OS)
SugarCRM mobile app 13.0.x, 14.0.x, 14.1.x, 14.2.x iPhone (16.0 - 18.3.2)
Android (13.0 - 15.0)
iPad (16.0 - 18.3.2)
Android (13.0 - 15.0)
Mobile browser access

13.0.x, 14.0.x, 14.1.x, 14.2.x

Safari on iPhone (16.0 - 18.3.2)
Chrome on Android (13.0 - 15.0)
The desktop version of Sugar is supported for Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android, but accessing Sugar via tablet browsers is not the optimal experience.

For an updated list of supported browser versions for Sugar, please refer to the Supported Versions page.