Let the platform do the work

Amazon Web Services


The Amazon Web Services section of the Admin panel allows you to configure services provided by Amazon that Sugar uses. For example, SugarLive, available under the Sugar Serve 11.0 and higher or Sugar Sell 12.0 and higher license types, and Sugar Portal Chat, available under the Sugar Serve 11.0 and higher license type, rely on Amazon Connect to route calls and chats to customer service agents or sales representatives and facilitate customer chat sessions initiated in Sugar Portal.

Amazon Connect Settings

Amazon Connect is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) tool that receives incoming calls and chats and routes them to your own customer service or sales automation system (e.g., SugarLive). It also facilitates the customer side of chat sessions (e.g., chat sessions initiated in Sugar Portal). Both the agent and the customer communicate using Amazon's Contact Control Panel (CCP) embedded in Sugar.

To start using SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat, you must complete some or all of the following steps, depending on which features you wish to use:

  1. Set up SugarLive and optional additional features
  2. Set up Sugar Portal Chat and optional chatbot
  3. Configure Amazon Connect in Sugar to enable the above two features in Sugar


SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat are available in Sugar Serve or Sugar Sell once you have connected your Sugar instance to an Amazon Connect instance that may also rely on other Amazon services. Therefore, these features can only be used after an admin has completed certain configuration steps. In addition, SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat can only be used with certain web browsers. For more information, refer to the Supported Platforms page.

The following table shows the Amazon services, most of which require payment to Amazon on a per-use basis, used by various Sugar Serve or Sugar Sell features. Each link opens the relevant product page on Amazon's website for that particular service:

Amazon Service Description Sugar Serve or Sugar Sell Features that use it
Amazon Connect Amazon Connect is used to provide SugarLive's omnichannel capabilities.
  • SugarLive
  • Sugar Portal Chat
AWS CloudFormation AWS CloudFormation is used to create a stack to manage all the resources needed by the Amazon services that SugarLive depends on.
  • Call recordings in SugarLive
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
  • Sugar Portal Chat
  • Chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat
Amazon S3 Amazon S3 is used for the storage of Amazon Connect files, including call recordings, call transcripts with sentiment analysis, and chat transcripts.
  • SugarLive
  • Call recordings in SugarLive
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
AWS Lambda AWS Lambda is used to run code that passes information between Amazon Connect and Sugar.
  • Call recordings in SugarLive
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
  • Sugar Portal Chat
  • Chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Contact Lens, a feature of Amazon Connect available at additional cost, is used to generate call transcripts and sentiment analysis for SugarLive calls.
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
Amazon Lex Amazon Lex is used to build a conversational chatbot that customers can speak to in Sugar Portal Chat.
  • Chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat
Amazon API Gateway Amazon API Gateway is used to establish the communication via API between Sugar and Amazon Connect.
  •  Sugar Portal Chat

Setting up SugarLive

To use SugarLive, an admin must do the following:

  • Set up your organization's Amazon Connect instance, including phone numbers, external chat apps, routing, contact flows, and users. Refer to the Get Started page of the Amazon Connect Administration Guide on Amazon's website for details on these steps, or see their complete Amazon Connect documentation for a full set of resources.
  • Add your Sugar instance URL to your Amazon Connect's approved origins list so that the two systems can communicate. See the Use an allow list for integrated applications article on Amazon's website for the steps to do this.
  • Complete the configuration in the General tab of Admin > Amazon Connect Settings in Sugar.

Also, to use the below additional SugarLive features that rely on external services, an admin must do the following:

  • Single sign-on:
  • Call recordings: Download and configure the files necessary for call recording, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack, configuring a Lambda function, and enabling call recording in your Amazon Connect contact flows.
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysisDownload and configure the files necessary for call transcripts and sentiment analysis, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack, configuring a Lambda function, and enabling call recording and Contact Lens speech analytics in your Amazon Connect contact flows.

Note: SugarLive is not supported for use with all web browsers. For more information, refer to the Supported Platforms page.

Setting up Sugar Portal Chat

To use Sugar Portal Chat, an admin must do the following:

  • Set up a contact flow in your organization's Amazon Connect instance for use in the portal chat or use the sample contact flow included with your SugarLive assets, which uses a sample chatbot and requires additional configuration. Please note, the sample chatbot is an example of how customer service organizations may choose to leverage a contact flow.
  • Download and configure the files necessary for Sugar Portal Chat, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack.
  • Complete the configuration in the General and Sugar Portal Chat tabs of Admin > Amazon Connect Settings in Sugar. The style settings for the portal chat window can be left as their default values or optionally configured to match your organization's desired theme.

Also, to use a chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat using Amazon services, an admin must do the following:

  • Download and configure the files necessary for a chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack, importing and configuring a Lex bot, configuring your Amazon Connect instance, and importing and configuring a contact flow.
  • Update the Sugar Portal Chat tab in Admin > Amazon Connect Settings in Sugar to use the contact flow configured above.

Note: Sugar Portal Chat is not supported for use with all web browsers. For more information, refer to the Supported Platforms page.

Setting up an External Chat Window

If you have an external chat window that allows your customers to start a chat session with your agents, you can configure the contact flow in your Amazon Connect instance to set several attributes. These attributes are read by SugarLive and can be used to open relevant customer data in the Detail panel when the chat session starts. The following attributes are available to be set:

  • sugarCaseNumber: The unique number assigned to the case
  • sugarContactId: The record ID of the contact
  • sugarContactEmail: The primary email address of the contact
  • sugarContactName: The first and last name of the contact

They are read in the above order, which means that SugarLive opens the record(s) that match the first provided attribute.

If SugarLive receives a chat with any of these attributes, it opens the matching case and contact records in the Detail panel. If more than one contact matches (e.g., via name or email), they are opened in the Search tab instead so the agent can select the correct one to open. See the contact attributes documentation on Amazon's website for more details on how to use attributes in your contact flows.

Configuring Amazon Services for use in Sugar Serve or Sell

To use certain SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat features that rely on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must download and set up a collection of assets. These files are available as a zip file on your account's Downloads page along with a deployment guide that describes the steps necessary to set up various Amazon services for these features. On the Downloads page, select "Serve" or "Sell" in the dropdown menu and then open your Sugar version to find the zip file.

The following four Sugar Serve or Sell features require this AWS configuration:

  • Sugar Portal Chat basic functionality
  • Sugar Portal Chat chatbot
  • SugarLive call recordings
  • SugarLive call transcripts and sentiment analysis

You can choose to set up any or all of the above features. Following the provided deployment guide, you will need to first set up a CloudFormation stack. From there, you can choose which of the four features to set up and then follow the relevant steps. In the case of the chatbot, you are also able to use your own Amazon Lex chatbot and Amazon Connect contact flow, if you prefer, but Sugar Serve and Sell comes with a sample of each and the necessary Lambda functions to get you started.

If you need assistance with any of the Amazon services, you will need to contact Amazon's Customer Support department. See the Contact Us page on Amazon's website for details on their support offerings.

Configuring Amazon Connect in Sugar

Once you have set up your Amazon services so that you can use them with SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat, there are a few settings within Sugar to complete before you can start using these features. These settings are found under the Amazon Web Services section of the Admin page, split between two tabs in the Amazon Connect Settings page. The General tab includes basic settings to connect Sugar to your Amazon Connect instance and set your identity management system. The Sugar Portal Chat tab includes additional settings to enable a chat window in the portal so your customers can chat with a chatbot or your customer service representatives. In this tab, there are also settings to customize the chat window to match your organization's branding.

General Tab

In order for SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat to communicate with your Amazon Connect instance, you must complete the following configuration fields:

  • Contact Control Panel URL: Enter the complete URL used to access your Contact Control Panel (CCP), for example "https://example.my.connect.aws/ccp-v2". See the Launch the CCP article on Amazon's website to determine what the URL to your CCP is.
  • Instance Name: Enter the name of your Amazon Connect instance. The instance name is the first portion of your Amazon Connect URL. For example, in the URL "https://example.awsapps.com/connect/ccp-v2", the instance name is "example".
  • Instance Region: Enter the region code of your Amazon Connect instance (e.g., "us-west-2"), which can be found in the top right corner of the Amazon Connect console. Click on the name of the region to open the Region menu, where you can see the code that corresponds to that region.
  • Identity Management System: Enter the identity management system you wish to use. Options include Amazon Connect and SAML 2.0. If you choose Amazon Connect, users will log in to SugarLive using their Amazon Connect credentials. If you choose SAML 2.0, you must set up an identity provider (e.g., OneLogin), configure SAML in your Sugar instance, and use an Amazon Connect instance that uses SAML 2.0-based authentication. Note that an existing Amazon Connect instance that does not use SAML cannot be updated to start using SAML. You must create a new instance that uses SAML 2.0-based authentication. See the Plan your identity management in Amazon Connect article on Amazon's website for more details on identity management options in Amazon Connect.
    • Note: SAML 2.0 in SugarLive can only automatically log users in if SAML is configured in Sugar and users log in to Sugar using single sign-on (SSO). If SAML is not configured in the instance or users choose not to use it, they will have to manually log in to SugarLive using their SSO credentials.
  • Endpoint URL: Enter the SAML endpoint to which users must connect to authenticate with your single sign-on identity provider using SAML. This field is only displayed if "SAML 2.0" is selected as the identity management system.

To disable Amazon Connect in your Sugar instance, simply set the Contact Control Panel URL, Instance Name, and Instance Region fields to blank and save the page. This removes the SugarLive button from the footer of Sugar when you save the Amazon Connect Settings page. It also prevents the portal chat from working but does not remove the chat window from the portal; to remove it from the view, you must disable the Enable Amazon Connect Chat checkbox in the Sugar Portal Chat tab as well.

When you enable SugarLive by saving a value in the Contact Control Panel URL, Sugar automatically updates the Content Security Policy (CSP) Settings so that the domains required by SugarLive are included in the database. These values are not shown in the user interface and no extra action is required by an admin. If you disable SugarLive by removing the value in the Contact Control Panel field, the domains are automatically removed from the CSP settings. See the System page for more details on the CSP.

If you are configuring Amazon Connect for use with SugarLive, refer to the SugarLive page in the Application Guide for details on how your customer service or sales representatives can start using it. If you are also configuring Amazon Connect to use Sugar Portal Chat, refer to the Sugar Portal Chat documentation in the Portal User Guide for details on how your customers can start using it.

Sugar Portal Chat Tab

To allow your customers to chat with your agents or a chatbot from the portal, you must complete the fields in the Settings section of the Sugar Portal Chat tab in addition to the fields in the General tab described above. To customize the appearance of the chat window to match your organization's branding, update the remaining settings on this tab; these settings have minimal default values that can be used if you wish to leave them as is.


The following fields are required for Sugar Portal Chat to work:

  • Enable Amazon Connect Chat: Turn this setting on to enable chat in the portal. Once enabled, the below three fields appear and are required to finish configuring Sugar Portal Chat.
  • API Gateway: Enter the API Gateway endpoint URL used to start a chat session; in Amazon API Gateway, this is the Invoke URL. This field is only displayed if Enable Amazon Connect Chat is enabled.
  • Contact Flow ID: Enter the ID of the contact flow you wish to use in the portal chat. If a contact flow's ARN is "arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:123456789012:instance/1111/contact-flow/2222", the contact flow ID is "2222". This field is only displayed if Enable Amazon Connect Chat is enabled.
  • Amazon Connect Instance ID: Enter the ID of your Amazon Connect instance for use in the portal chat. If your instance ARN is "arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:123456789012:instance/1111", the instance ID is "1111". This field is only displayed if Enable Amazon Connect Chat is enabled.

Use the following fields to customize the appearance of the header in the portal chat window:

  • Image URL: Enter the URL of the image you wish to display at the top of the chat window.
    • For reference, the SugarCRM logo that is displayed by default has dimensions of 790 x 147 px, but the image you provide will be scaled down if necessary to fit in the chat window.
    • When you enter a URL, a preview of the image is displayed directly below the field; if you do not see a preview, the image cannot be found using the URL and will not appear in the portal.
    • It is recommended to log in to the portal to verify that the image is displayed as you would like and to resize the image if it is not.
    • If you do not enter a URL, the SugarCRM logo is displayed by default.
  • Title: Enter the title text you want to be displayed at the top of the chat window. The default title, as shown in the example image, is "Hi there! I am your Service Assistant".
  • Title Color: Choose the color of the header's title text by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.
  • Subtitle: Enter the text you want to be displayed below the title at the top of the chat window. Its font is slightly smaller than that of the title.
  • Subtitle Color: Choose the color of the subtitle text by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.
  • Background Color: Choose a background color for the header at the top of the chat window by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.

Use the following fields to customize the appearance of the footer in the portal chat window:

  • Title: Enter the text you want to be displayed at the bottom of the chat window.
  • Title Color: Choose the color of the footer's title text by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.
End Chat Button

Use the following fields to customize the appearance of the End Chat button in the portal chat window:

  • Text Color: Choose the color of the text in the End Chat button by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.
  • Size: Specify the height and width of the End Chat button in pixels.
  • Button Fill: Choose the color of the background in the End Chat button by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.

Use the following fields to customize the appearance of the chat messages in the portal chat window:

  • Text Color: Choose the color of the text in all messages sent and received in the chat window by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.
  • Customer Chat Bubble Color: Choose the color of the background in the customer's chat bubbles by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.
  • Agent Chat Bubble Color: Choose the color of the background in the agent's chat bubbles by entering the hex color code or clicking in the text field to open the color picker.