Let the platform do the work



The SugarLogic SetRequired action, located in ./include/Expressions/Actions/SetRequiredAction.php, is used to determine if a field is required. 


While the dependency metadata for your module can be defined in ./modules/<module>/metadata/dependencydefs.php and  ./custom/modules/<module>/metadata/dependencydef.php, it is recommended to use the extension framework when customizing stock modules to prevent third-party plugins from conflicting with your customizations. The following section will demonstrate how to implement a read-only dependency.

SetRequired Parameters

Parameter Type Description
target String The name of the field to make required.
label String id of label element for this field
value String Formula used to determine if the field should be required.

For more information on the various parameters in the dependency definitions, please refer to the dependency actions documentation.


For our example, we will create a dependency on the Cases module that will mark the resolution field as required when the status field is set to "Closed". Our example extension definition is shown below:



$dependencies['Cases']['required_resolution_dep'] = array(
    'hooks' => array("edit"),
    'trigger' => 'true',
    'triggerFields' => array('status'),
    'onload' => true,
    //Actions is a list of actions to fire when the trigger is true
    'actions' => array(
            'name' => 'SetRequired',
            //The parameters passed in will depend on the action type set in 'name'
            'params' => array(
                'target' => 'resolution',
                'label' => 'resolution_label',
                'value' => 'equal($status, "Closed")',

Once you have the file in place, you will need to navigate to Admin > Repairs > and run a Quick Repair and Rebuild.

Note: It is important that the module name is plural ('Cases' vs. 'Case') and that the name of the dependency, "required_resolution_dep" in this example, is unique.