Let the platform do the work

/login/marketingContentUrl GET


Returns the SugarCRM marketing content URL that is managed by the marketing team.


This API attempts to reach SugarCRM's marketing content URL. If the service is unreachable, a URL for the static content is returned.

Request Arguments

Name Type Description Required
selected_language String Code for the desired marketing content language. (Eg. "en_us", "fr_FR"). Providing a certain language code does not guarantee that content returned will be in the provided language. If an invalid language is specified, will assume "en_us". False. It uses the configured language if this parameter is missing. Defaults to "en_us".
static Boolean If set to true, return URL for static marketing content. Defaults to false. False. If this parameter is missing, the API defaults to the dynamic content url.

Response Arguments

Name Type Description
url String URL suitable for embedding in an iFrame that links to marketing content from SugarCRM.



Change Log

Version Change

Added /login/marketingContentUrl GET endpoint.