Let the platform do the work



The before_relationship_add logic hook executes before a relationship has been added between two records.


function before_relationship_add($bean, $event, $arguments){}


Name Type Description
bean Object The bean object
event String The current event
arguments Array Additional information related to the event
arguments.id String Module ID
arguments.module String Module name
arguments.related_id String Related module ID
arguments.related_module String Related module name
arguments.link String Link field name
arguments.relationship String Relationship name


  • This hook will be executed for each side of the relationship. For example, if you add an association between an account and a contact, the hook will run for both records.
  • The arguments parameter will have additional information regarding the records being modified. The $bean variable will not contain this information.

Change Log

Version Note
6.4.5 Added before_relationship_add hook


Creating a Logic Hook using the Extension Framework



    $hook_array['before_relationship_add'][] = Array(
        //Processing index. For sorting the array.

        //Label. A string value to identify the hook.
        'before_relationship_add example',

        //The PHP file where your class is located.

        //The class the method is in.

        //The method to call.




    if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');

    class before_relationship_add_class
        function before_relationship_add($bean, $event, $arguments)
